Octave USP for FX30S

Our system uses the FX30S with Octave and I can see some big advantages in using the USP with our product. Is there any visibility on when this feature might be available to trial?

Hi Colm, it is available for preview.
Do you have a mangOH red to try it?

Hi dla - thanks for responding. No, we only hold the FX30 in stock. I can probably look to order a mangOH red.

FX30 is supported too.

Hmm, I’m at a bit of a loss so. I had thought that according to the tutorial but I cannot see /usp/config resource in my portal. Is it something to do with firmware V3.0.x.
I updated f/w yesterday to latest which was octave_2.1.4_fx30_wp77xx

You need a preview of upcoming firmware 3.0.0.