New Terminal Program

I just wanted to let the community know that the latest version of ClearTerminal has been released at: It was build while doing OpenAT development for our product ClearComm. Here are some of the features:

•Serial/USB communications
•TCP and UDP sockets
•Client and Server sockets
•HTTP Server
•SSL Sockets
•Hot Keys
•Large Logging buffer
•Command History
•Custom color schemes
•Hex and mixed Hex/ASCII display option
•Save configuration settings to file
•Expand capabilities using Plugin system

Feel free to post an feature requests that you may find useful during your OpenAT development. We are planning version 3.0 right now.

Great terminal, surely better than the one I built just for working with the modem :slight_smile:
One thing I miss in there (maybe as a plugin with attachable hotkey for it?) - loading dwl files. It is xmodem, sure, but to go into wdwl, load the app and perform cfun=1 to automate the task - it is not uncommon to have hundreds of program load per day.

Hopefully this solves your request. The first release was simple enough that we didn’t need a help file but this version is more complicated. We are currently creatinga help file and hope to have an update soon. Here are some macros you can add to the buttons to automate the loading of DWL Files:

/connection: Open, closes, or modifies a connection.
“/connection: action=open, type=serial, port=com1, baud=115200, parity=none, dataBits=8, stopBits=1, hwFlowControl=on, swFlowControl=off”: This command opens the serial port with the specified settings. All of the configuration parameters are optional except the port name.
“/connection: action=modify, baud=19200”: Sets the baud rate to 19200.
“/connection: action=modify, hwFlowControl=on”: Enables hardware flow control
“/connection: action=close”: Closes the connection.
“/connection: action=open, type=tcpClient,, port=80”: Create a TCP client connection to Google.
“/connection: action=open, type=tcpServer, port=23”: Creates a TCP server connection on port 23.
“/connection: action=open, type=httpServer, port=80, debug=on”: Creates an HTTP server on port 80 and enables debug prints.
“/connection: action=open, type=udp, host=localhost, remotePort=1234, localPort=5678, packetSize=512, flushTimeout=1000, debug=on”: Creates a UDP connection.
- Omit the host and remotePort parameters to create a receive-only connection.
- Set flushTimeout = -1 to disable automatic packet flushing.

/fileTransfer: Starts a file transfer.
“/fileTransfer: protocol=xmodem, file=c:\fullpath\app.dwl, type=1k”: Starts an x-modem transfer using the 1K block size. Omit the type to use the default block size.
“/fileTransfer: protocol=raw, file=c:\fullpath\data.bin”: Sends the contents of data.bin over the connection in raw binary format.

/plugin: Controls plugins.
“/plugin: file=c:\fullpath\myPlugin.dll”: Loads the specified plugin.

Sounds interesting - must give it a try…

Is it open-source?

Nope, but it is free. Feel free to let us know if there are any features you’d like to see added.