My EM7455 has no carrier pri and a carrier/config name missmatch

I think i give it up.
i flashed now back the 01.08.07 firmware from Dell and the card works instantly.

i follow this thread: Firmware updating Dell 5811e with ancient firmware (SWI9X30C_00.08.02.00)

fdt2.exe -d 9x30 -f 1102424_9904336_EM7455_01.08.07.00_00_Dell_001.001_000.spk

i think the problem is that i have a engineering DW5811e card and this one maybe doesn’t allow newer firmware versions on it. i don’t know. even if i try to update the firmware now to the latest dell firmware, i fall back into the LPM…

really don’t know whats going on here with this card…

my card is this one:

Recieve: AT!HWID?
Recieve: Revision: 0.2
Recieve: OK

The left one: