MP70 no GPS location fix

I have several MP70s that keep loosing their GPS fix. I have tried rebooting, firmware updates and factory resetting and reconfiguring.

I am wondering if there is something that I am missing on configurations that it drops? or is it as simple as it needs a new antenna?

Hi MelBrewer,

Welcome you to our community.
What kind of antenna and firmware version are you using? Please try using AirLink® Antenna: Puck (Cell + GPS/GNSS) and go outdoor with AirLink® Antenna: Puck (Cell + GPS/GNSS) connected.

Can you please share your configuration template and log files on MP70?

Hi Donald,

We bought Airgain ULTRAMAX MIMO #6 AP-COWWWG-Q-S222222-RP345-BL antennas. We are on the current firmware MP70_ALEOS_4.15.0.016.

Hi MelBrewer,

Can you start GPS location fix on MP70 before?
or Is this the first time you cannot start GPS location fix on MP70?
Can you start GPS location fix with ULTRAMAX MIMO #6 AP-COWWWG-Q-S222222-RP345-BL antennas?
Does this issue happen on your all MP70 device or does it just happen on some MP70 devices?

Good Morning,

I have never had to start it, it just automatically finds the GPS settings. It appears to be happening to a couple of vehicles but with one of them if I reboot the system via ALMS it gets the location fix. The other one we are switching out the antenna to see if that fixes it.

Did Switching the Antenna Fix it?