I have a MC7750 that on 2 different activated Verizon SIM cards will get a valid IPV6 address but the IPV4 will come up as a 169.xx number and it does not show the Verizon DNS servers for IPV4 ( and When the MC7750 is swapped with another MC7750, I’ll get both valid IPV6 and IPV4 addresses (It gets the Verizon private address 100.xxx) and the DNS servers are seen.
And that default profile will get you only ipv6 websites that’s his problem is he’s connecting to vzwims ipv6 the default is #1 profile in windows 10,8 or 7 not profile #3.
actually no.
Verizon is unique.
PDN1 is for IMS (SMS etc) IPv6 - cannot be used for internet
PDN2 admin - used by Verizon to push VZW configuration
PDN3 - should be used for internet data
How would one get a 3 pdn active addresses? Will that work with windows mbn?I don’t think that will work with mc7750 only qmi mode ? Windows only gets one apn that I have seen …can you force it to accept 3 ?
Why would the host care? I am guessing PDN1 and PDN2 are for internal modem firmware usage only. Windows should use context 3 to get Internet access, and not mess with the other 2.
using more than one PDN is possible in both Windows and Linux. Windows code examples here:
But you should NOT do this as I understand the MC7750/Verizon thing…
I have had no problems at all with pdn 1 used as ip,ipv6,or ipv4v6 all of them work on pdn 1 with vzwinternet the pdn1 vzwims ipv6 is worthless .i I use the pdn 1 with mbn or used as an ethernet network card …all of the problems that people have with verzion is using the default profile which us vzims as pdn 1 …that wont work that verzion conenction manger does nothing for a connection the software is worthless way outdated …you have to force pdn1 with vzwinternet