MC7710 issues with Windows or Lenovo X230

The disconnect is a new one. At least to me.

Maybe the modem firmware has started to power down in MBIM mode unless it can communicate with an MBIM driver? The cdc_mbim driver only handles part of the “normal” MBIM tasks. It leaves all MBIM management to userspace. Typically users will run ModemManager with MBIM support, which will take care of the rest.

So first guess is: The modem firmware waits ~10 seconds for MBIM OPEN before powering down. Try running ModemManager with MBIM support when the modem comes online, and see if that changes the behaviour.

You should also observe the output of “rfkill list”, which should tell you if the modem has been disabled by the laptop firmware (aka BIOS).

Or if you want to switch the modem back to QMI mode, and prevent WIndows from switching it back to MBIM mode, then see these two replies to the “My MC7710 can’t work on Linux after plug-in it to Window” discussion:
