Just out of curiosity, are there any specific USB Audio drivers that Sierra Wireless provides for the Audio interface on the MC7354 and/or MC7304? (Interface 10 specifically)
Or does it just use the system provided driver for USB Audio from Windows and Linux?
On windows when i test calls, so long as i map my audio devices appropriately (Using the provided guide on this foum ( [url]https://forum.sierrawireless.com/t/voice-call-with-mc7304/7754/2] ), i can get it to work somewhat, but on linux, when i try to place a voice call with it, i hear nothing, and the call recipient can’t hear anything either. As well to be honest, i don’t really know how to set up the audio on linux properly either.
Any help on either the windows or linux side is welcome, i’m kinda at a loss of what to do at the moment…