I’m used to get current service type, availability information, and the current status of the module’s SIM using the AT^SYSINFO command.
I’m pleased to see that this command is implemented on the MC7304, but I cannot find any information to parse the result in the “AirPrime EM73xx/MC73xx AT Command Reference”.
This will be legacy code which has not been removed from the codebase, what this means is
It is present and functional but there is no testing done on it nor is there any guarantee it will remain functional so it could suddenly stop working in followup revisions of firmware.
Its format and execution will be the same as previous units i.e. AT^SYSINFO
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^SYSINFO is originally an old Huawei’s proprietary command. It was added to SWI’s firmware for some kind of software compatibility, I think.
Such a commands are described in Huawei’s documentation. See MU609 AT Command Interface Specification, for example (page 244).
There’s no any reason for Sierra’s module user to look at “stupid” commands like that. Native AT command sets in MC/EM modules are much more functional and convenient.