No matter what package leaf tries to download, the hash is wrong and the process stops. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? This is running on the mangOH Ubuntu VM , latest 2.2 version of leaf.
From the terminal:
mangoh@mangoh-dev:~/myWorkspace$ leaf setup wp76stable -p swi-wp76_1.0.0
Cannot find workspace, initialize one in /home/mangoh/myWorkspace? (Y/n)
-> Execute: leaf init
Workspace initialized /home/mangoh/myWorkspace
-> Execute: leaf profile create wp76stable
Current profile is now wp76stable
Profile wp76stable created
-> Execute: leaf profile config wp76stable -p swi-wp76_1.0.0
-> Execute: leaf profile sync wp76stable
Profile is out of sync
Packages to install: wp76-legato_18.03.0-201804102300, wp76-toolchain_SWI9X07Y_02.16.02.00-linux64, wp76-modem-image_9, wp76-legato-image_18.03.0-201804200133, wp76-linux-image_SWI9X07Y_02.16.02.00, wp76-image_1.0.0, swi-wp76_1.0.0
Total size: 393.6 MB
Do you want to continue? (Y/n)
[100%] Downloading d3349da-swi-license_1.0.leaf
Profile provisioning interrupted
Error while installing required packages (The file /home/mangoh/.cache/leaf/files/d3349da-swi-license_1.0.leaf hash could not be verified, expecting sha384:d3349da937815167dc3232691aaf7bf0ad7f596b4b25de670bb182db6b22e8389ccffd7ccc6148d7450060c3ebfa9093 but was sha384:3a1a6d06e6c834a632fee34549b7bb68b98fe3bf9909b4f6c23c8cf0c4750bac9725f5bace3c7a89e05f7af17ddd41be)
try to download the file again, or contact the package owner
try leaf profile sync to resume
Command exited with 2
Sub command failed: ‘leaf profile sync wp76stable’
I’m having exactly the same problem with the SHA384 hash mismatch. I think Sierra’s download servers are screwed up. I dug into it a bit and it seems like files are missing from their download servers. I looked at the contents of the downloaded .leaf file and it is the actual text “Not Found” which is what their download server returns when a file isn’t found.
I did this troubleshooting on Saturday and now on Monday morning all of the WP77 R12 packages are completely missing when I do a leaf search.
I reached the same conclusion, servers screwed up, tried to get leaf running on another computer on a different network to rule out firewalls and other non-sense, same issue -> empty files and no sync.
Can you try first deleting /home/mangoh/.cache/leaf/files/f1cc780-wp77_20.04.0-202004151904.leaf and also delete the corresponding file from wp77_20.04.0 from /home/mangoh/.leaf
For the apt issue can you remove the insecure repos or configure them to work in the insecure state?
Leaf currently relies on apt not reporting any errors even if they are irrelevant. We are working on a fix for next release so that unrelated apt errors do not cause Leaf sync to fail.
I rm the wp77xx file for the .cache directory…
I didn’t find a reference for wp77xx file on .leaf directory (just a reference to wp76-toolchain folder)