Latitude and longitude

Hi All,
how can I read latitude and longitude of my vehicle using at command.from where /how I can extract this information.

You need something with GPS (not to be confused with GPRS).

The Manual will then tell you how to obtain latitude, longitude, and other information

Manual version 001/9.1, date november 2001 and reference WM_SW_OAT_IFS_001. my device is wavecom M1206.

I have AT Commands Manual of wavecom, but it doesnot contain any thing related to latitude and longitude. It contain SMS commands, Phone book commands and many other commands but not latityde and longitude commands.

Even I can’t transfer .dwl files from hyperterminal. The message I got each time I tried is “RESOURCE IS NOT RESPONDING”

This device does not have GPS!

So I am not surprised that there is nothing in the docs about it!

Best Regards,

Dear Jan,
you helped me alot with this reply.
But jan, what is the use of this device?

Hi pkhussain,

Well, it’s a modem. So you can do the things modems typically do. Making calls, answering calls, hanging up, even making internet connections! The functions resemble the ones analog modems have, but instead of plugging it into a telephone jack to connect through your local phone company, you plug in an antenna and the communication is performed through the air - just the same way how GSM mobile phones are doing it…

GSM is a standard that is used for mobile phones. And as you already mentioned it has some more features (like SMS) that you wouldn’t have on anlog modems.

Best Regards,