Where can we find the latest lua source code that is used by OpenAT?
I using Wavecom fasttrack supreme with open M2M stdio.
I am trying to use lua version 14 and after i compile oatlua lib i receiving this messages in target:
I changed my ‘lua_interactive.c’ according the change with init of mempools functions.
Way there is no more memory.until now all was ok.
Doron Zamir
You’re compiling for 256KB memory model; all modules sold by Wavecom in the last year or so have had 2MB of RAM, and should be complied with the “1MB+” memory mapping, (in the applicaiton’s properties, “Open AT Application / Build Settings / Memory Type”.
M2MStudio settings should be changed soon, so that it sets the memory at 1MB+, since 256KB only serves for some legacy hardware.
I think that i need some help.
I download the file oatlua-14.zip from above link.And I import it to my M2M stdio. I running with ADL and WIP
When i tring to build the new lib. i recive some error some missing types.I found that this lib request some old ASL and WIP version.
Please can you help me compile the new version of oatlua lib?.
Doron Zamir
It can work on all decently recent versions of WIP and ADL. You can change it in the project’s properties, but it’s not so easy. Set the Firmware version to yours, and then it should propose you to set dependencies to your versions of plug-ins.
A simpler solution would be to just copy the sources and headers in the source and header folders of your application project.
Thanks for your replay.
When you think that LUA 14 plug-in for M2M will be available for download.
if not i would like to compile the lib.
when you say ‘copy the sources and headers …of your application’ you mean to copy oatlua-14 sources and to copy them to my application and compile?
I don’t know when the “official” Lua plug-in will be synchronized with the HEAD, but I understood that it won’t be done for the next Open AT delivery, so I’d advise you to synchronize yourself with the HEAD rather than depending on Wavecom’s integration process.
I am using Fastrack Supreme 10.This modem have Internal 32 Mb Flash and 8 Mb PSRAM.
As I undestand from adl user guide application for this modem need to use ‘256KB’ link option and not 1MB+
‘1MB+’ link option not compatible - and application that liked with 1MB will not start and this the behavior that i have.
I succed to compile lua_interactive examble with oatlua sources inside M2M Studio with building setting of memory type 1MB+
but this type of configration is not compatible with my modem.Can i compile it with ‘256KB’ link option ?
If not how can i use oatlua14 with my modem?
you’d better know which modules you need or not, and cherry pick only what you really need in the lua boot table
you’ll have to be careful about your application’s memory consumption.
That being said, I think that Wavecom don’t sell 256KB modules/modems anymore, so if you plan to buy some hardware for your project’s deployement, this hardware will be 1MB+, and you should also develop on a 1MB+ device.
I am succeed compile latest Lua. But when I trying to run it inside the modem there is error about missing log variable .
I download the sources from ‘https://svn.anyware-tech.com/wavecom/openat-lua/trunk/’
I need some help her where this variable need to be declare in Lua…
[MEM] Reserving 2600 bytes out of 104160 for 8-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 5160 bytes out of 104160 for 16-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 19320 bytes out of 104160 for 20-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 23160 bytes out of 104160 for 24-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 9000 bytes out of 104160 for 28-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 20560 bytes out of 104160 for 32-blocks pool
[MEM] Reserving 24360 bytes out of 104160 for 76-blocks pool
[LUAW] load library base...uses 3254 bytes
[LUAW] load library table...uses 756 bytes
[LUAW] load library string...uses 1670 bytes
[LUAW] load library package...uses 949 bytes
[LUAW] load library debug...uses 1396 bytes
[LUAW] load library strict...uses 1849 bytes
[LUAW] load library scheduling...uses 13718 bytes
[LUAW] load library timer...uses 849 bytes
[LUAW] load library options...uses 192 bytes
[LUAW] load library channels...uses 13952 bytes
[LUAW] load library bearers...uses 8362 bytes
[LUAW] load library tcp...uses 4217 bytes
[LUAW] load library flash_read...uses 2489 bytes
[LUAW] load library flash_write...uses 8197 bytes
[LUAW] load library rawflash...uses 1260 bytes
[LUAW] load library bit...uses 546 bytes
[LUAW] load library log...uses 0 bytes
[LUAW] load library shell...[LUAW ERROR] *** .\src_lua\shell.lua:283: variable 'log' is not declared ***
Error while loading shell:.\src_lua\shell.lua:283: variable 'log' is not declareduses 11359 bytes
[LUAW] load library misc...uses 1062 bytes
[LUAW] load library bootload...uses 15348 bytes
[LUAW] load library ad...uses 2963 bytes
[LUAW] load library at...uses 9439 bytes
[LUAW] load library mem...uses 64 bytes
[LUAW] load library print...uses 5773 bytes
[LUAW] load library sms...uses 2965 bytes
[LUAW] load library uart...uses 0 bytes
[LUAW] Starting telnet server
[WIP] new TCPSERVER 0x181315f0
[UART1]: startsrv: -> CONNECTING
There is an attempt to load the log library, but as it takes 0 bytes once loaded, it seems that it somehow failed to load. Which revision of oatlua are you using?