Lastest firmware for FXT003


What is the lastest available firmware for the FXT003.
We are currently using the R7.44 / WIPSoft 540.
On the Sierra download page, available versions are 7.46 or 7.45 but referring to q26 ?
After downloading the full development suite, I got the 7.51 version in the “Embbeded Software” folder. But the version has only been compiled for the fxt009 and other models.

Thank you for your answer.

7.45 is the latest and last one to be produced. FXT-003 is end-of-life product, no longer supported.


The latest FW for FXT003 is supported in R7.46 with WIP 5.42.

Please use “Packages Manager” of Developer Studio to get Firmware Package(7.46) under “Open AT Embedded Software Suite package 2.36” or the DWLWin format in below link:

Hope this help.

Thank you for your answers.

Available packages at the previous link are not working using DWLWin :

  • R7.46.0.201107210505-cus-q26e-03.wpk
  • R7.45.0.201105250416-cus-q26e-02.wpk_Telstra_only
    The target autodetection does not find the target.
    And the FXT003 is not available in the target selection menu.

I will try though the Developper Studio.

But any link or sending of the dwl file compiled for the FXT003 would be great help.

Best regards,


Problem solved using the developper studio which is very efficient to get all version of the different packages.
Lastest version for fxt003 is 7.46

Thank for your help.

Latest APPROVED firmware is 7.45
You better check with relevant authorities before deploying 7.46 in the field.
