KeyPad - J101

Hi, how´s everyone!?

Does anybody has ever worked with 2501Q and it´s KeyPad function!?

The User Manual doesn´t make clear the use of it. I´ve been testing some GPIO pins and they worked fine.

But I´m still curious about the KeyPad.

Any start up is really appreciated!



I followed the Keyboard sample from the Wavecom and I´m trying to detach the code from that structure…

The code is (keyboard.c ; keyb.h is the same keyboard.h):

/* -------- */
/* Includes */
/* -------- */

#include "adl_global.h"
#include "keyb.h"
#include "multi_app.h"

/* --------- */
/* Constants */
/* --------- */

// Keys constants
    DK_KEY_LEVEL_UP = 20,

/* --------- */
/* Variables */
/* --------- */

/* Keyboard Handler */
key_Handler_f key_Handler;

/* First Subscription flag */
bool    bOnce = TRUE;

/* Timer for key repetition */
adl_tmr_t * tRepeat;

/* Constants */
#define KEY_NONE    0xFF

/* Timer delays */
u32 key_RepeatTickTime;     // Timer before each repeat
u32 key_RepeatTickDelay;    // Delay before repeat

/* Prototypes */
bool key_UnsoHandler ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * Param );
void key_TimerHandler ( u8 Id );
void key_init ( void );

/* Keyboard Timer Handler */
void key_TimerHandler ( u8 Id )
    /* ReStart the Key timer, faster */
    tRepeat = adl_tmrSubscribe ( FALSE, key_RepeatTickTime, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK, key_TimerHandler );
    /* Call Unsolicited handler */
    key_UnsoHandler ( ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * ) NULL );

/*  Function   : dk_KeyboardHandler                                        */
/*  Object     : Keyboard Handler                                          */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Key               | X |   |   | Key index                              */
/*  Pressed           | X |   |   | Key pressed or released                */
void dk_KeyboardHandler ( u8 Key, u8 Pressed )
	ascii Tecla [20];

    // Check for DTMF key
    if ( Key < DK_KEY_DTMF_LAST )
        s32 sReturn;
        if ( Pressed )
            // DTMF play
			sprintf(Tecla, "\r\n Tecla: %d\r\n", Key);

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, Tecla);
            // DTMF stop

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n PRESSED Key < DK_KEY_DTMF LAST STOP\r\n");
    else if ( Key == DK_KEY_LEVEL_UP )
        // Sound level up
        if ( Pressed )
            // Check if max is not reached yet
            if ( dk_SndLevel < DK_SND_LEVEL_MAX )

                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "New sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "Max sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
            // Play a little sound

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n PRESSIONADA \r\n");
    else if ( Key == DK_KEY_LEVEL_DOWN )
        // Sound level down
        if ( Pressed )
            // Check if max is not reached yet
            if ( dk_SndLevel > DK_SND_LEVEL_MIN )

                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "New sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "Min sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
            // Play a little sound


void key_init ( void )
	key_Subscribe ( dk_KeyboardHandler, 0, 0 );

/* Keyboard unsolicited handler */
bool key_UnsoHandler ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * Param )
    u8      iKey = KEY_NONE,
            iPressed = 1;
    ascii   lBuffer[ 3 ];
    /* Last pressed key */
    static u8 iPressedKey = KEY_NONE;
    /* Get Key code */
    if ( Param )
        iKey     = wm_atoi ( wm_strGetParameterString ( lBuffer, Param->StrData, 1 ) );
        iPressed = wm_atoi ( wm_strGetParameterString ( lBuffer, Param->StrData, 2 ) );
    if ( iPressed )
        /* Key Pressed */
        if ( iKey != KEY_NONE )
            /* Save the pressed key */
            iPressedKey = iKey;
            /* Start the Key timer on the first time */
            if ( key_RepeatTickDelay )
                tRepeat = adl_tmrSubscribe ( FALSE, key_RepeatTickDelay, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK, key_TimerHandler );
        TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Key pressed %d", iPressedKey ));
        /* Call Key handler */
        if ( key_Handler )
            key_Handler ( iPressedKey, iPressed );
        /* Stop the Key timer */
        adl_tmrUnSubscribe ( tRepeat, key_TimerHandler, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK );
        tRepeat = NULL;
        TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Key released %d", iPressedKey ));
        /* Call Key handler */
        if ( key_Handler )
            key_Handler ( iPressedKey, iPressed );
        /* Reset the saved key */
        iPressedKey = KEY_NONE;
    /* Do not display keyboard events */
    return FALSE;

/* Keyboard handler subscription */
void key_Subscribe ( key_Handler_f KeyHandler, u32 RepeatTickTime, u32 RepeatTickDelay )
    TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Keyboard Handler Subscription (%d,%d)", RepeatTickTime, RepeatTickDelay ));
    /* Set Keyboard Handler */
    key_Handler = KeyHandler;
    /* Set Repeat Timers parameters */
    key_RepeatTickTime = RepeatTickTime ? RepeatTickTime : 1;
    key_RepeatTickDelay = RepeatTickDelay;
    if ( bOnce )
        /* Only first time */
        bOnce = FALSE;
        /* Send command to get keyboard events */
        adl_atCmdCreate ( "at+cmer=,1", FALSE, ( adl_atRspHandler_t ) NULL, NULL );
        /* Subscribe to Keyboard events */
        adl_atUnSoSubscribe ( "+CKEV: ", key_UnsoHandler );

/* Keyboard handler Unsubscription */
void key_Unsubscribe ( key_Handler_f KeyHandler )
    TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Keyboard Handler Unsubscription" ));
    if ( KeyHandler == key_Handler )
        /* Unsubscribe from keyboard handler */
        adl_atCmdCreate ( "at+cmer=,0", FALSE, ( adl_atRspHandler_t ) NULL, NULL );
        adl_atUnSoUnSubscribe ( "+CKEV: ", key_UnsoHandler );
        key_Handler = NULL;
        /* Unsubscribe from all timers */
        if ( tRepeat )
            adl_tmrUnSubscribe ( tRepeat, key_TimerHandler, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK );
            tRepeat = NULL;
        bOnce = TRUE;

That´s the piece of code I´m trying then to use on a previous application. But… when I try to call key_init() it doesn´t compile and it doesn´t show any error messages either.

Any ideas?



Just a wild guess - but I think you should define key_Subscribe before you actually use it (or put least the prototype of the function at the beginning of the file).

Hope this helps…

Best Regards,

Nah… it didn´t work… I know…it´s hard to tell…

As this code has some mistake VisualC accuses error on some good code and I can never know where the real error is.

Best regards,


Did you find the real error?

If not, could you post the error message? Maybe it can give some clue although it might complain about good code…

Best Regards,

Here´s the Log:

--------------------Configuration: MultiApp - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_MultiApp.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_MultiApp.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_MultiApp_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: IPConnect - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_IPConnect.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_IPConnect.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_IPConnect_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: Socket - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
Get ../../src/Socket.c Socket.c
 Use  YTPP
... Compiling Socket.c
Socket.c: In function `tcp_pfResponseCbk':
Socket.c:156: warning: passing arg 3 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:156: warning: passing arg 4 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:156: warning: passing arg 5 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: In function `tcp_ConnectHandler':
Socket.c:360: warning: passing arg 3 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:360: warning: passing arg 4 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:360: warning: passing arg 5 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: At top level:
Socket.c:455: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration
Socket.c:107: warning: previous implicit declaration of `Socket_start'
Socket.c:455: warning: `Socket_start' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'
Socket.c: In function `Socket_start':
Socket.c:465: warning: passing arg 1 of `ip_Subscribe' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: At top level:
Socket.c:514: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration
Socket.c:266: warning: previous implicit declaration of `Socket_stop'
Socket.c:514: warning: `Socket_stop' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'
Socket.c: In function `Socket_stop':
Socket.c:520: warning: passing arg 2 of `ed_SocketLTCPStop' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: In function `Socket_init':
Socket.c:562: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
Socket.c:563: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
Socket.c:564: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
    Copy all needed library and object files
 Make links ../../../Libraries/MultiApp/gcc/out/gcc_MultiApp.lib ../out/gcc_MultiApp.lib
 Make links ../../../Libraries/IPConnect/gcc/out/gcc_IPConnect.lib ../out/gcc_IPConnect.lib
 Make links C:/OpenAT/OtherLibs/TCPIP/v3.02/gcc_eDLib_302.lib ../out/gcc_eDLib_302.lib
 Make links /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/V302/TgtGen/Adl/Library/gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib ../out/gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib
... Link step in progress ...
... Link gcc_Socket_32.bin ...
/cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-nm: gcc_Socket_32.elf: No such file or directory
make: *** [make_single_bin] Error 1
    Build an X-MODEM binary  : 'gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl'
... Convert gcc_Socket_32.wpb in X-MODEM format ...
genBin : Version v1a06 Copyright (c) WAVECOM
genBin : No Error
... Build gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl ...
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
WARNING  :  misc_status.log is incomplete. Check manually if any errors exist
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
gcc_eDLib_302.lib, gcc_IPConnect.lib, gcc_MultiApp.lib, gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib, 
    End process.

Socket - 1 error(s), 18 warning(s)


Hi Henrique,

in this log, I would try to fix the warnings about implicit declarations first…

So, try to put the prototypes for

… Socket_start(…);
… Socket_stop(…);

into the header file…

Hope it works then…

Best Regards,

Unfortunatelly… nothing…
As I´m working ON the Socket Sample… the multi_app is still bothering me… I guess it´s making all the implicit declaration mess…

I declared all the prototypes into the header but I´m still getting the errors.

I put three codes in here : keyboard.c, socket.c and the log

If you think it´s to much work on this help… no problem! I understand!


/* -------- */
/* Includes */
/* -------- */

#include "adl_global.h"
#include "keyb.h"
#include "multi_app.h"

/* --------- */
/* Constants */
/* --------- */

// Keys constants
    DK_KEY_LEVEL_UP = 20,

/* --------- */
/* Variables */
/* --------- */
static u8  dk_TraceLevel;   // Trace Level defined on entry point
static u8  dk_SndLevel = 7; // Current sound level

/* Keyboard Handler */
key_Handler_f key_Handler;

/* First Subscription flag */
bool    bOnce = TRUE;

/* Timer for key repetition */
adl_tmr_t * tRepeat;

/* Constants */
#define KEY_NONE    0xFF

/* Timer delays */
u32 key_RepeatTickTime;     // Timer before each repeat
u32 key_RepeatTickDelay;    // Delay before repeat

/* Prototypes */
bool key_UnsoHandler ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * Param );
void key_TimerHandler ( u8 Id );
void key_init ( void );
void key_Subscribe ( key_Handler_f KeyHandler, u32 RepeatTickTime, u32 RepeatTickDelay );

/* Keyboard Timer Handler */
void key_TimerHandler ( u8 Id )
    /* ReStart the Key timer, faster */
    tRepeat = adl_tmrSubscribe ( FALSE, key_RepeatTickTime, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK, key_TimerHandler );
    /* Call Unsolicited handler */
    key_UnsoHandler ( ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * ) NULL );

/*  Function   : dk_KeyboardHandler                                        */
/*  Object     : Keyboard Handler                                          */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Key               | X |   |   | Key index                              */
/*  Pressed           | X |   |   | Key pressed or released                */
void dk_KeyboardHandler ( u8 Key, u8 Pressed )
	ascii Tecla [20];

    // Check for DTMF key
    if ( Key < DK_KEY_DTMF_LAST )
        s32 sReturn;
        if ( Pressed )
            // DTMF play
			sprintf(Tecla, "\r\n Tecla: %d\r\n", Key);

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, Tecla);
            // DTMF stop

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n PRESSIONADA Key < DK_KEY_DTMF LAST STOP\r\n");
    else if ( Key == DK_KEY_LEVEL_UP )
        // Sound level up
        if ( Pressed )
            // Check if max is not reached yet
            if ( dk_SndLevel < DK_SND_LEVEL_MAX )

                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "New sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "Max sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
            // Play a little sound

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n PRESSIONADA \r\n");
    else if ( Key == DK_KEY_LEVEL_DOWN )
        // Sound level down
        if ( Pressed )
            // Check if max is not reached yet
            if ( dk_SndLevel > DK_SND_LEVEL_MIN )

                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "New sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
                TRACE (( dk_TraceLevel, "Min sound level : %d", dk_SndLevel ));
            // Play a little sound


void key_init ( void )
	key_Subscribe ( dk_KeyboardHandler, 0, 0 );

/* Keyboard unsolicited handler */
bool key_UnsoHandler ( adl_atUnsolicited_t * Param )
    u8      iKey = KEY_NONE,
            iPressed = 1;
    ascii   lBuffer[ 3 ];
    /* Last pressed key */
    static u8 iPressedKey = KEY_NONE;
    /* Get Key code */
    if ( Param )
        iKey     = wm_atoi ( wm_strGetParameterString ( lBuffer, Param->StrData, 1 ) );
        iPressed = wm_atoi ( wm_strGetParameterString ( lBuffer, Param->StrData, 2 ) );
    if ( iPressed )
        /* Key Pressed */
        if ( iKey != KEY_NONE )
            /* Save the pressed key */
            iPressedKey = iKey;
            /* Start the Key timer on the first time */
            if ( key_RepeatTickDelay )
                tRepeat = adl_tmrSubscribe ( FALSE, key_RepeatTickDelay, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK, key_TimerHandler );
        TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Key pressed %d", iPressedKey ));
        /* Call Key handler */
        if ( key_Handler )
            key_Handler ( iPressedKey, iPressed );
        /* Stop the Key timer */
        adl_tmrUnSubscribe ( tRepeat, key_TimerHandler, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK );
        tRepeat = NULL;
        TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Key released %d", iPressedKey ));
        /* Call Key handler */
        if ( key_Handler )
            key_Handler ( iPressedKey, iPressed );
        /* Reset the saved key */
        iPressedKey = KEY_NONE;
    /* Do not display keyboard events */
    return FALSE;

/* Keyboard handler subscription */
void key_Subscribe ( key_Handler_f KeyHandler, u32 RepeatTickTime, u32 RepeatTickDelay )
    TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Keyboard Handler Subscription (%d,%d)", RepeatTickTime, RepeatTickDelay ));
    /* Set Keyboard Handler */
    key_Handler = KeyHandler;
    /* Set Repeat Timers parameters */
    key_RepeatTickTime = RepeatTickTime ? RepeatTickTime : 1;
    key_RepeatTickDelay = RepeatTickDelay;
    if ( bOnce )
        /* Only first time */
        bOnce = FALSE;
        /* Send command to get keyboard events */
        adl_atCmdCreate ( "at+cmer=,1", FALSE, ( adl_atRspHandler_t ) NULL, NULL );
        /* Subscribe to Keyboard events */
        adl_atUnSoSubscribe ( "+CKEV: ", key_UnsoHandler );

/* Keyboard handler Unsubscription */
void key_Unsubscribe ( key_Handler_f KeyHandler )
    TRACE (( key_TraceLevel, "Keyboard Handler Unsubscription" ));
    if ( KeyHandler == key_Handler )
        /* Unsubscribe from keyboard handler */
        adl_atCmdCreate ( "at+cmer=,0", FALSE, ( adl_atRspHandler_t ) NULL, NULL );
        adl_atUnSoUnSubscribe ( "+CKEV: ", key_UnsoHandler );
        key_Handler = NULL;
        /* Unsubscribe from all timers */
        if ( tRepeat )
            adl_tmrUnSubscribe ( tRepeat, key_TimerHandler, ADL_TMR_TYPE_TICK );
            tRepeat = NULL;
        bOnce = TRUE;


/*  File       : Socket.c                                                  */
/*  Object     : Customer application                                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  contents   : Customer main procedures                                  */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Change     :                                                           */

/* -------- */
/* Includes */
/* -------- */

#include "adl_global.h"
#include "multi_app.h"
#include "ipconnect.h"
#include "ed_socket.h"
#include "ed_dialup.h"
#include "adl_TimerHandler.h"
#include "adl_call.h"
#include "adl_fcm.h"
//#include "keyboard.h"
//#include "adl_gpio.h"

/* ---------- */
/* Constantes */
/* ---------- */

// Application name
static const ascii * Socket_NameBuffer = "Seletron Rastreamento";

/* Variáveis Globais */
//static u8 socket_TraceLevel;
static int i=1;

/* Variáveis reservadas à GPS */
static s8   gps_GpsHandle;      // GPS service handle
static bool gps_GpsAutoStart;   // GPS autostart parameter (to allow or not hardware reset)
static u8   gps_PollingTimer; 
static bool Atualiza_GPS = FALSE;

static u8   Time_Get_Request; 

static bool liberado = FALSE;
static bool socket_liberado = TRUE;

/* Variáveis - Controle de IOs */
static bool PINO = FALSE;

/* Variáveis Globais reservadas à coordenadas Geograficas */
ascii Latitude[20];
ascii LatInd[20];
ascii Longitude[20];
ascii LonInd[20];

/* SMS */
static s8 sms_lcd_clock_Handle_txt;
bool SMS_CLOCK_Handler(ascii *SmsTel, ascii *SmsTimeOrLength, ascii *SmsText);
void SMS_CLOCK_ctrl_Handler(u8 Event, u16 Nb);

static int j=1;

// Commands strings
static const ascii * SOCKET_CMD_START = "at+SOCKETSTART";

void tcp_pfDataRequest ( u16 MaxLen, u32 id );
u16 tcp_pfDataHnd ( u16 DataLen, u8 * Data, u32 id );
void tcp_pfResponseCbk ( s32 Event, u32 id );

bool gps_GpsHandler ( adl_gpsEvent_e Event, adl_gpsData_t * GPSData );

/* Prototipo - UART2 */
void UART2_Enable ( void );
void fcmCtrlH ( u8 event );
void fcmDataH ( u16 DataLen, u8 * Data );
bool Res_WMFM1_Handler ( void );
bool Res_IPR_Handler ( void );

/*  Local functions                                                        */
/* Convert an IP address from u32 to ascii * */
ascii * ConvertIP_itoa ( u32 iIP, ascii * aIP )
    wm_sprintf ( aIP, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
                      ( iIP >> 24 ) & 0xFF,
                      ( iIP >> 16 ) & 0xFF,
                      ( iIP >> 8  ) & 0xFF,
                        iIP         & 0xFF );
    return aIP;

void Temporizador(u8 Id)

	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r TEMPORIZADOR ATIVADO \r\n");

	if ((socket_liberado == TRUE)&&(Atualiza_GPS==TRUE))
		socket_liberado = FALSE;
		liberado = TRUE;
		Atualiza_GPS = FALSE;

	    //Envia pedido de abertura de Socket TCP 
		//ed_SocketTCPStart ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, 0,tcp_pfResponseCbk, tcp_pfDataHnd, tcp_pfDataRequest);


		adl_ioWrite(HANDLE_GPIO, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1, 0x00000000);
		adl_ioWrite(HANDLE_GPIO, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1);


// Interrompe Resposta de Callback
void tcp_Stop_pfResponseCbk ( s32 Event, u32 id )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCPSTOPRESONSECBK START\r\n");
	switch ( Event )
			//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "tcp_Stop_pfResponseCbk: Socket close" ));
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSocket Close\r\n");
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCPSTOPRESONSECBK END\r\n");

//Chamado quando uma conexão Socket TCP é aberta ou quando ocorre um erro
void tcp_pfResponseCbk ( s32 Event, u32 id )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_RESPONSECBK START\r\n");
	ascii Buff[50];
	s8  sReturn = ERROR;
	u8 Listen=0;

	wm_sprintf ( Buff, "tcp_pfResponseCbk: %d (id : %d)", Event, id );
     //TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff )); 
	 switch ( Event )
			//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "tcp_pfResponseCbk: Socket close" ));
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSocket Closed\r\n");
			sReturn = ed_SocketTCPStart ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, Listen,tcp_pfResponseCbk, tcp_pfDataHnd, tcp_pfDataRequest);
			wm_sprintf ( Buff, "ed_SocketTCPStart: %d", sReturn);
			//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff )); 

			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSocket Created\r\n");

	 adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_RESPONSECBK END\r\n");

//Chamado para informar ao aplicativo que ele pode enviar novos dados
void tcp_pfDataRequest ( u16 MaxLen, u32 id )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_DATAREQUEST START\r\n");
	ascii Buff[50];

	// --> SMS
	ascii Telefone [20];
	ascii Telefone2 [20];
	ascii Mensagem [100];

	wm_sprintf(Telefone, "03191221337");
	wm_sprintf(Telefone2, "03188138486");


	// Flag para garantir envio único de string
    if (liberado==TRUE)
	   ascii request [100]; 
	   u16 len; 

	   adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r Sending GET Request FUNCTION\r\n");

	   wm_memset (request, '\0',100); 

	   //wm_sprintf(request,"GET /gps.asp?latitude=%s HTTP/1.0\r\\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",Latitude); 
	   wm_sprintf(request,"GET /gps.asp?latitude=%s-latind=%s HTTP/1.0\r\\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",Latitude, LatInd); 
	   // Enviando SMS
	   wm_sprintf ( Mensagem + wm_strlen ( Mensagem ), "LOCALIZACAO do Henrique - Latitude: %s - Longitude: %s\x1a", Latitude, Longitude);
	   adl_smsSend  ( sms_lcd_clock_Handle_txt, Telefone, Mensagem, ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT );
	   adl_smsSend  ( sms_lcd_clock_Handle_txt, Telefone2, Mensagem, ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT );

	   adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, request);

	   len = wm_strlen(request); 

	   ed_SendDataExt ( request, len , FALSE, ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1 ); 


	wm_sprintf ( Buff, " tcp_pfDataRequest: %d", MaxLen);
    //TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff )); 


    adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_DATAREQUEST END\r\n");

//Chamado para receber dados/resposta do remoto para o aplicativo
u16 tcp_pfDataHnd ( u16 DataLen, u8 * Data, u32 id )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_DATAHND START\r\n");

	ascii Buff[50];

	ascii BuffDisp[250];

	ascii * TheBuffer;
	s32 sreturn=ERROR;

	wm_sprintf(BuffDisp, "\r\n Display Buffer: %d \r\n", Data);

	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, BuffDisp);

	 if ( DataLen && Data && i)
		//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "tcp_pfDataHnd: %d", DataLen ));

		wm_sprintf(BuffDisp, "\r\n DataLEN: %d \r\n", DataLen);
		adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, BuffDisp);

        wm_strncpy ( Buff, Data, 10 );
        Buff [ 10 ] = 0;
        //TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));

		wm_sprintf(BuffDisp, "\r\n Buffer: %s \r\n", Buff);
		adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, BuffDisp);

		// Verifica se o comando foi entendido pelo servidor, se sim, fechar Socket TCP
		sreturn = wm_strncmp ( Buff, "REGISTRADO", 10 );

		if (sreturn==0)
			//socket_liberado = TRUE;
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n REGISTRADO OK \r\n");


	else if ( DataLen==0 && Data==NULL)
		//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel,"tcp_pfDataHnd: Socket close" ));  

		adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n tcp_pfDataHdn: SOCKET CLOSE \r\n");
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_DATAHAND END\r\n");
	return DataLen; // Accept all data => eDlib delete them from its queue

// --> Parte SMS
bool SMS_CLOCK_Handler(ascii *SmsTel, ascii *SmsTimeOrLength, ascii *SmsText)
    bool breturn = TRUE;


void SMS_CLOCK_ctrl_Handler(u8 Event, u16 Nb)
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n SMS Handler Clock \r\n");

s16 CGATT_0_Response_Handler (adl_atResponse_t *paras)
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCGATT_0_RESPONSE_HANDLER START\r\n");
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "CGATT_Response_Handler" ));  
	switch ( paras->RspID )
		case ADL_STR_OK:
			//GPRS is attached, we set a timer 
			//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "CGATT_0_Response_Handler: ADL_STR_OK" ));  
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCGATT_0_RESPONSE_HANDLER END\r\n");
	return FALSE;

// Gerenciador de Conexão TCP - Configuração TCP
void tcp_ConnectHandler ( s32 Event, u32 id )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTCP_CONNECTHANDLER START\r\n");
	ascii Buff[50];
	s8  sReturn = ERROR;
	u8 Listen=1;
	ed_SocketSetupParams_t Params;
	ed_dialupIPInfos_t Infos;
	ascii locIP[ 20 ];
	ascii distIP[ 20 ];
	ascii gway[ 20 ];

	wm_sprintf ( Buff, " tcp_ConnectHandler: %d", Event);
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));
	 switch ( Event )
		case ED_OK_GPRS_SESSION_SET:  // Setando conexão GPRS 
			// Partes comentadas eram utilizadas como TRACE
			wm_sprintf ( Params.TcpServ, "");
			sReturn = ed_SocketSetConfig ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, &Params );
			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ed_SocketSetConfig: %d", sReturn);
			sReturn=ed_SocketGetConfig ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, &Params );
			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ed_SocketGetConfig: %d", sReturn);
			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " TcpPort: %d", Params.TcpPort);
			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " TcpServ: %s", Params.TcpServ);
			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " TcpTxDelay: %d", Params.TcpTxDelay);

			wm_sprintf ( Buff, "\r\nLocal IP : %s\r\n", ConvertIP_itoa ( Infos.LocalIP, locIP ));
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, Buff);
			wm_sprintf ( Buff, "DistantIP: %s\r\n", ConvertIP_itoa ( Infos.DistantIP, distIP ));
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, Buff);
			wm_sprintf ( Buff, "Gateway: %s\r\n", ConvertIP_itoa ( Infos.Gateway, gway ));
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, Buff);
			//Envia pedido de abertura de Socket TCP 
			sReturn=ed_SocketTCPStart ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, 0,tcp_pfResponseCbk, tcp_pfDataHnd, tcp_pfDataRequest);

			//wm_sprintf ( Buff, "ed_SocketTCPStart: %d", sReturn);


	case ED_OK_ON_HOOK :            // "Log off" da rede GPRS
		adl_atCmdCreate("at+cgatt=0",TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CGATT_0_Response_Handler,"OK",NULL );
	 adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCONNECT_HANDLER END\r\n");

void Timer_Handler(u8 Id)
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTIMER_HANDLER START\r\n");
	s8  sReturn = ERROR;
	ascii Buff[50];
	adl_tmr_t *tt;
	u16 timeout_period=20;

	//Tenta uma conexão IP a cada 2 segundos 
	// Estabelece sesao IP com o provedor de servico e recebe um endereco IP
	sReturn =ip_Connect ( IP_BEARER_GPRS, IP_MODE_CONNECT);
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n Establish IP session with service provider and Receives IP Address \r\n");

	//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ip_Connect: %d", sReturn);
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));
		tt=(adl_tmr_t *)adl_tmrSubscribe(FALSE, timeout_period, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t) Timer_Handler);			
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nTIMER_HANDLER END\r\n");

s16 CGATT_Response_Handler (adl_atResponse_t *paras)
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCGATT_RESPONSE_HANDLER START\r\n");
	adl_tmr_t *tt;
	u16 timeout_period=20;
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "CGATT_Response_Handler"));
	switch ( paras->RspID )
		case ADL_STR_OK:
			// Logado na Rede GPRS, deve-se setar um periodo de timeout: timeout_period 
			//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, "ADL_STR_OK" ));
			tt=(adl_tmr_t *)adl_tmrSubscribe(FALSE, timeout_period, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t) Timer_Handler);
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCGATT OK!\r\n");
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nCGATT_RESPONSE_HANDLER END\r\n");
	return FALSE;

//Pin Code CallBack
void SimHandler ( u8 Event )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSIMHANDLER START\r\n");
	ascii Buff[50];

	wm_sprintf ( Buff, "SimHandler: %d\r\n",Event );
	 switch ( Event )
        case ADL_SIM_STATE_FULL_INIT :
			//Pin Code OK
			//Gprs attach
			adl_atCmdCreate("at+cgatt=1",TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CGATT_Response_Handler,"OK",NULL );
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nPin Code OK - Sends CGATT=1 command\r\n");
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nFIM SIMHANDLER\r\n");

/*  Function   : Socket_start                                                   */
/*  Object     : Start Application Function                                */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/* Port               | X |   |   | Start command port                     */
void Socket_start ( void )//( u8 Port )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSOCKETSTART START\r\n");
    bool bReturn = TRUE;
	ascii Buff[50];
	ascii * PinCode=NULL;//"8888";//NULL;
	s8  sReturn = ERROR;
	adl_simState_e Sim_State;

	//Subscribe to IPConnect library
	sReturn =ip_Subscribe ( tcp_ConnectHandler );
	//wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ip_Subscribe: %d", sReturn);
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));

	//Enter Pin Code
		adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSimState==JA FOI INICIADO\r\n");
		///*Comando para habilitar o CHIP --> PIN CODE
		//adl_atCmdCreate("at+cpin=3765",TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CGATT_0_Response_Handler,"OK+CPIN",NULL );
		//adl_atCmdCreate("at+cpin",TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CGATT_0_Response_Handler,"OK+CPIN",NULL );
		adl_atCmdCreate("at+cgatt=1",TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CGATT_Response_Handler,"OK+CGATT",NULL );
		adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nPin Code OK - Trying CGATT=1\r\n");
			adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nRECEBE CODIGO PIN\r\n");

	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSOCKETSTART END\r\n");

	// Inicio do Timer para Envio das Coordenadas
	//Time_Get_Request = 100; // 100 * 100ms = 10s
	//adl_tmrSubscribe(TRUE, Time_Get_Request, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t)Temporizador);


/*  Function   : Socket_stop                                                  */
/*  Object     : Stop Application Function                                 */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
void Socket_stop ( void )
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSOCKETSTOP START\r\n");
	s8  sReturn = ERROR;
	ascii Buff[50];
    // Unsubscribe from Socket service
	sReturn = ed_SocketLTCPStop ( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, tcp_Stop_pfResponseCbk );
	wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ed_SocketLTCPStop: %d", sReturn);
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));
	wm_sprintf ( Buff, " ip_Connect: %d", sReturn);
	//TRACE (( socket_TraceLevel, Buff ));

	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nSOCKETSTOP END\r\n");
	socket_liberado = TRUE;
	adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n PRONTO PARA NOVA CONEXAO \r\n");


/*  Function   : Socket_init                                                  */
/*  Object     : Application entry point                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  InitType          | X |   |   | Application Init state                 */
/*  PinCode           | X |   |   | PIN code to use on SIM service subs.   */
/*  ApplicationData   | X | X |   | Application data struct to fill        */
void Socket_init( adl_InitType_e InitType, ascii * PinCode, ma_Element_t * ApplicationData )

	//ascii Telefone [20];

	//wm_sprintf(Telefone, "03191221337");

    // Fill application data structure
    ApplicationData->AppName = Socket_NameBuffer;
    ApplicationData->AppCmd = SOCKET_CMD_START;
    ApplicationData->AppStart = Socket_start;
    ApplicationData->AppStop = Socket_stop;
	/* Configura parametros de conexao */

	/* Inicio do Timer para Envio das Coordenadas */
	Time_Get_Request = 70; // 100 * 100ms = 20s
	adl_tmrSubscribe(TRUE, Time_Get_Request, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t)Temporizador);

	/* Inicializa GPS e define tempo de acesso ao mesmo --> GPS Callback Handler */
	gps_PollingTimer = 20;
	gps_GpsHandle = adl_gpsSubscribe ( gps_GpsHandler, gps_PollingTimer );

	/* SMS */
	sms_lcd_clock_Handle_txt = adl_smsSubscribe(SMS_CLOCK_Handler, SMS_CLOCK_ctrl_Handler, ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT);


	/* GPIO */
	HANDLE_GPIO = adl_ioSubscribe(ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1, 0,0,0, (adl_ioHdlr_f) NULL);
	//adl_ioWrite(HANDLE_GPIO, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1, 0x00000000);//ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1);
	adl_ioWrite(HANDLE_GPIO, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1, ADL_IO_Q25X1_GPO_1);

	/* Keyboard service */


void UART2_Enable ( void )

	adl_atCmdCreate( "AT+WMFM=0,1,2", FALSE, Res_WMFM1_Handler, "*", NULL );

	adl_atCmdCreate( "AT+IPR=19200", ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE( ADL_AT_UART2, FALSE ), Res_IPR_Handler, "*", NULL );

	Handle = adl_fcmSubscribe( ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_UART2, fcmCtrlH, fcmDataH );


void fcmCtrlH ( u8 event )
    switch ( Event )
            TRACE (( 1, "Flow GSM already Opened"));

void fcmDataH ( u16 DataLen, u8 * Data )
    u8 result;

    adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\n<- Receive FCM Data Blocks \r\n");
    DUMP ( 1, Data, DataLen );


bool Res_WMFM1_Handler ( void )
	return TRUE;

bool Res_IPR_Handler ( void )
	return TRUE;


/*  Function   : gps_GpsHandler                                             */
/*  Object : Gps events handler                                             */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Return : According to GpsAutoStart parameter                            */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                            */
/* Event              | X |   |   | Notified event                          */
/* GPSData            | X |   |   | Polling GPS Data                        */
bool gps_GpsHandler ( adl_gpsEvent_e Event, adl_gpsData_t * GPSData )
	u8 Tamanho1;
	u8 Tamanho2;
    // Switch on event
    switch ( Event )
            // Received data from GPS
            ascii RspStr [ 80 ];
			ascii Correcao [ 80 ];
            adl_gpsPosition_t Position;

            // Build string
            wm_sprintf ( RspStr, "\r\n+GPSTIME: %s,%s\r\n", GPSData->Position.UTC_time, GPSData-> );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, RspStr );

			adl_gpsGetPosition ( gps_GpsHandle, &Position );
            wm_sprintf ( RspStr + wm_strlen ( RspStr ), "%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n",
                                     Position.longitude_Indicator );

			adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, RspStr );

			//wm_sprintf ( Correcao + wm_strlen ( Correcao ), "Correcao: %s,%s,%s,%s\r\n",Position.geoid_Sep,Position.geoid_Sep_Unit,Position.Age_Dif_Cor,Position.Dif_Ref_ID);
			//adl_atSendResponse (ADL_AT_UNS, Correcao);

			Tamanho1 = wm_strlen(Position.latitude);
			Tamanho2 = wm_strlen(Position.longitude);

			if ((Tamanho1>0)&&(Tamanho2>0))
			   wm_sprintf ( Latitude , "%s", Position.latitude);
			   wm_sprintf ( LatInd, "%s", Position.latitude_Indicator);

			   wm_sprintf (Longitude, "%s", Position.longitude);
			   wm_sprintf (LonInd, "%s", Position.longitude_Indicator);

			   Atualiza_GPS = TRUE;

	return gps_GpsAutoStart;


--------------------Configuration: MultiApp - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_MultiApp.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_MultiApp.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_MultiApp_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: IPConnect - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_IPConnect.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_IPConnect.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_IPConnect_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: Socket - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
    Copy all needed library and object files
 Make links ../../../Libraries/MultiApp/gcc/out/gcc_MultiApp.lib ../out/gcc_MultiApp.lib
 Make links ../../../Libraries/IPConnect/gcc/out/gcc_IPConnect.lib ../out/gcc_IPConnect.lib
 Make links C:/OpenAT/OtherLibs/TCPIP/v3.02/gcc_eDLib_302.lib ../out/gcc_eDLib_302.lib
 Make links /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/V302/TgtGen/Adl/Library/gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib ../out/gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib
... Link step in progress ...
... Link gcc_Socket_32.bin ...
/cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-nm: gcc_Socket_32.elf: No such file or directory
make: *** [make_single_bin] Error 1
    Build an X-MODEM binary  : 'gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl'
... Convert gcc_Socket_32.wpb in X-MODEM format ...
genBin : Version v1a06 Copyright (c) WAVECOM
genBin : No Error
... Build gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl ...
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
WARNING  :  misc_status.log is incomplete. Check manually if any errors exist
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
gcc_eDLib_302.lib, gcc_IPConnect.lib, gcc_MultiApp.lib, gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib, 
    End process.

Socket - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)

Thanks for all the efforts!



Could you check the .mak file in the project directory?

is there keyboard.c in the source list? for example:

main.c \
Socket.c \
keyboard.c \

Also, are you able to run the program in RTE from Visual C++?

Best Regards,

Well Jan…

  1. There´s no “keyboard.c” in Socket.mak (why not if I created the file inside the project?)
    Can I change with a Notepad or there´s a proper way?

  2. No… it won´t run (RTE) with keyboard calling or not. It points to code on “ipconnect.c” that I didn´t even change.

--------------------Configuration: IPConnect_rte - Win32 Debug--------------------
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(142) : error C2275: 's8' : illegal use of this type as an expression
        c:\openat\v302\tgtgen\wmheader\wm_types.h(48) : see declaration of 's8'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(142) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'sReturn'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(142) : error C2065: 'sReturn' : undeclared identifier
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(143) : error C2275: 's8' : illegal use of this type as an expression
        c:\openat\v302\tgtgen\wmheader\wm_types.h(48) : see declaration of 's8'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(143) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'TmpReturn'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(143) : error C2065: 'TmpReturn' : undeclared identifier
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(208) : warning C4047: '=' : 'void (__cdecl *)(int ,int )' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(269) : warning C4028: formal parameter 2 different from declaration
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(269) : warning C4024: 'ed_DialupConnectionStart' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(277) : warning C4028: formal parameter 2 different from declaration
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(277) : warning C4024: 'ed_DialupConnectionStop' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(332) : warning C4047: '==' : 'void (__cdecl *)(int ,int )' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(333) : warning C4047: '==' : 'unsigned short (__cdecl *)(unsigned short ,unsigned char *,int )' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(404) : warning C4047: '==' : 'void (__cdecl *)(int ,int )' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
c:\wavecom\projetos_temp\libraries\ipconnect\src\ipconnect.c(405) : warning C4047: '==' : 'void (__cdecl *)(unsigned short ,int )' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
Error executing cl.exe.

Socket_rte.dll - 6 error(s), 9 warning(s)

I have no idea what to do… :slight_smile:



You can change it with Notepad. I always adjusted the .mak file with a text editor, I don’t think that this is done automatically. If somebody here knows how the .mak file can be updated without editing it, I would like to know!

oh, oh! I have no clue either… Anybody else here have seen this??

Best Regards,

If it makes things easier… here´s the whole project:

Best Regards,


Jan… the keyboard.c wasn´t inside the src folder. Now it is and it´s declared on the Socket.mak.

When I try to run Visual C++ returns no Errors and 18 Warnings. But the dwl file won´t be generated.

Things here only work when I get 3 errors… this way everything works fine… weird… but that´s what really happen.

Here´s the log:

--------------------Configuration: MultiApp - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_MultiApp.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_MultiApp.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_MultiApp_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: IPConnect - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
... Creating library gcc_IPConnect.lib with gcc_arm parameter
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.11
 Library generated    : gcc_IPConnect.lib
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 ASM compiler path    : /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/GCC/bin/arm-elf-gcc
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_IPConnect_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MicoEstrela 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
    End process.
--------------------Configuration: Socket - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
 Software Generation Toolkit
 SGT_VER  = v1.2.11
 SGT_DIR  = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
 Scripts path for SGT :
 Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
Check environment settings...
    Launch a full library or binary process
Get ../../src/Socket.c Socket.c
 Use  YTPP
... Compiling Socket.c
Socket.c: In function `tcp_pfResponseCbk':
Socket.c:166: warning: passing arg 3 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:166: warning: passing arg 4 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:166: warning: passing arg 5 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: In function `tcp_ConnectHandler':
Socket.c:370: warning: passing arg 3 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:370: warning: passing arg 4 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c:370: warning: passing arg 5 of `ed_SocketTCPStart' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: At top level:
Socket.c:465: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration
Socket.c:117: warning: previous implicit declaration of `Socket_start'
Socket.c:465: warning: `Socket_start' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'
Socket.c: In function `Socket_start':
Socket.c:475: warning: passing arg 1 of `ip_Subscribe' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: At top level:
Socket.c:524: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration
Socket.c:276: warning: previous implicit declaration of `Socket_stop'
Socket.c:524: warning: `Socket_stop' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'
Socket.c: In function `Socket_stop':
Socket.c:530: warning: passing arg 2 of `ed_SocketLTCPStop' from incompatible pointer type
Socket.c: In function `Socket_init':
Socket.c:570: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
Socket.c:571: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
Socket.c:572: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
make: *** No rule to make target `keyboard.o', needed by `gcc_Socket_32'.  Stop.
    Build an X-MODEM binary  : 'gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl'
... Convert gcc_Socket_32.wpb in X-MODEM format ...
genBin : Version v1a06 Copyright (c) WAVECOM
genBin : No Error
... Build gcc_Socket_32.wpb.dwl ...
    Find errors occurred when using SGT
Analyze errors in Log files
WARNING  :  misc_status.log is incomplete. Check manually if any errors exist
Analyze errors in tmp files if they exists.
Libraries available in out directory :
gcc_eDLib_302.lib, gcc_IPConnect.lib, gcc_MultiApp.lib, gcc_wmadl_302.b03.lib, 
    End process.

Socket - 0 error(s), 18 warning(s)

Best Regards,


There seems to be still a problem with your keyboard.c file or the makefile:

Same here… need to have 3 errors for things to work :laughing:

Best Regards,

Hi Jan… I solved the problem but I still don´t know what really happened.

First: I put all the “keyboard.c” code lines inside the “socket.c”.

I got erros anyway… then I realized that socket.c wasn´t finding the keyboard.h (even though the keyboard.h was in the proper path and it was created inside the project) the code lines inside the keyboard.h.

So… I put the line codes from the keyboard.h in the socket.h

But Visual C++ couldn´t even make the type key_handler_f exist!

So… I cut the code that once was in “keyboard.h” and then in “socket.h” and I paste them between the prototype line codes of “socket.c”.

Now the Visual C++ recognizes the type “key_handler_f”… and everything is fine!

Really weird… :frowning:

Thanks for all the Help! Maybe this crazy thing may help some newbie as I am!

Best Regards,
