reading version
version from device: 30084 - package to install: DELTA
install exec sent
the device accepted for processing the OMA-DM FUMO command
download acknowledged by the device
device acknowledged the Exec with a failure status: FORBIDDEN[403]
Impossible to execute command [the application revision '30085' doesn't match the installed software revision : '30084']
I haven’t had this problem before, and I don’t know what’s causing this. I can update devices that currently have older software version (< 30084), but not the 30084’s
I checked for one of these devices:
Firmware: OASIS SL6087 - vR7.52.0.201306260837.SL6087
I’m trying to install an application:
reading version
version from device: 30084 - package to install: DELTA
install exec sent
the device accepted for processing the OMA-DM FUMO command
download acknowledged by the device
device acknowledged the Exec with a failure status: FORBIDDEN[403]
Impossible to execute command [the application revision '30085t' doesn't match the installed software revision : '30084']
The application is built for firmware 7.52.0, the firmware of the device is vR7.52.0
I am downloading via AVMS, a custom application (so no SDK sample).