Hi! I need a little start here… if it´s possible…
I want to start a Phone Call and then transmit what the mic is getting to the other side of the line.
I´m using a Wavecom module with Q2501Q WISMO.
At the ADL User Guide I read the Call article but it wasn´t so helpful.
Commands like the one below is about to be used I know…
I also tooke a look at Call Monitoring Sample but my target is to call not to answer.
sanabiovilela, i suggest you trying to setup a call with ATD command. You can do this externally using HyperTerminal for example, or using adl_atCmdCreate. When you get it working, the use of the API adl_callSetup should work as well. However, try to subscribe to call reporting events:
s8 MyCallHandler(u16 Event, u32 Call_ID);
When you setup the call with adl_callSetup, the handler should be called with the proper event indicating the errors if any (sim not inserted, pin not entered, …).
Hope this helps, let us know
Best regards,