How to check incoming call phone number (CLIP) while running in opeanAT application.
I have enabled modem with at+clip=1;&w before starting the application.
I am receiving incoming number when i work data call through at commands but while running openat application i am not getting incoming number.
Which function is related to this in ADL user guide for Q24plus.
I want to answer to some specified phone numbers only in my application
I dn’t find this topic in my doc my doc is “ADL USER GUIDE FOR OPEN AT OS V3.13” MAY-3-2007 REV 011 YOURS? I am in traveling and browsing thro phone so plz donot mind for mistype & late reply
But if you look at the description in your document for adl_atUnSoSubscribe in your document, it will contain the correct cross reference for your document.
But, as already noted, it is just a cross-reference to the section about adl_strID - and you don’t want that, do you?