How to handle the interrupt

I am using q2686 wireless module. Here I just have to sense some signal (single pulse) then send SMS on occurence of that signal. I am planning to use the PIN 49 i.e GPIO25/INT1 for snsing the signal .Please help me with any sample code if you have. and pls inform me wdr this pin is OK or I have to use any other pin for this purpose.

Thanks in advance,

You should find the SDK samples in a folder like [b]OpenAT\OS\3.14.03\ADL\samples[/b] within your SDK installation.
(the 3.14.03 part depends upon the particular Open-AT version)

Each sample has an accomanying HTML file that gives a brief description.

You should spend some time browsing through them to familiarise yourself with what’s there ready for you to use!

I also suggest that you create a shortcut to the samples folder somewhere convenient…

You should find the API documentation - the ADL User Guide - in a folder like [b]OpenAT\OS\3.14.03\doc[/b] within your SDK installation.
(the 3.14.03 part depends upon the particular Open-AT version)

The Tools Manual and Tutorial should be in a folder like [b]OpenAT\IDE\IDE\1.04.07\doc[/b]

You should spend some time familiarising yourself with these documents.

Again, I suggest that you create shortcuts somewhere convenient…

What is the length of the pulse? If it is more than 100ms you could use input polling without messing with interrupts and you could use any pin you want (from available for use).