Hello, I am using OAT 3.02 O.S:6.51 and adl library. And as a begineer I am very puzzled about GPIOS and I have not found anything about ADC management. I am working with the Developers Kit and it has being very difficult to me to find the corresponding GPIO on the board according to the GPIO Mask mentioned on the documentation, the same goes for ADC pins.
I would be very pleased if someone can help on this and better yet if there are documents or examples I can refer to.
First, you have to find a GPIO which is not used for something else.
I’m using a Q2686 and I choose the GPIO19 in my example.
If you want to change the state of the GPIO19 pin, you must know the name of this GPIO in the ADL library (see GPIO service in ADL User Guide) : ADL_IO_Q2686_GPIO_19
The code bellow changes the state of the GPIO19 pin every second.
For your ADC, I think you must use AT+ADC command to get the values.
See Analog digital converters measurements +ADC in the at_commands_interface for more information.