I have an HL7812 connected to USB.
When sending the ATZ command it returns with ERROR. Is it supposed to do so?
Many applications that initialize modems start with issuing the ATZ command (e.g. ModemManager).
I have an HL7812 connected to USB.
When sending the ATZ command it returns with ERROR. Is it supposed to do so?
Many applications that initialize modems start with issuing the ATZ command (e.g. ModemManager).
Hi @mafolk,
Welcome to our community!
According to your description, did you execute the ATZ command (Reset and Restore User Configuration) on the HL7812 module, but returned ‘ERROR’? Is that correct?
I tested sending the ATZ command on my HL7810 using the AT port, and there were no issues.
Which Firmware version that the module is running? If not the latest, please refer to the following link to get the latest FW then recheck.
Link the latest FW: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/hl781x-and-hl7845-firmware/hl781x-and-hl7845-firmware/#sthash.H5Qipagw.dpbs
“Many applications that initialize modems start with issuing the ATZ command (e.g. ModemManager).”
→ Could you please provide the details of the steps you took to send the ATZ command?
Hi @jerdung,
Yes, that is correct. I can issue the ATZ command in several ways, e,g
mmcli --command “ATZ”
Or just open and writing/reading to the port directly.
It returns ERROR in all cases, even if that is the first command that is sent to the device.
I’m running HL7812., there is a newer version available, but nothing in the changelog mention this.
Hi @mafolk,
Can you type other AT commands (e.g. ATI9, AT+CGMI, AT+CPIN=?, AT+KBNDCFG=?, etc.) on AT port? If the result of those commands is still ERROR, in this case, it’s better if you send an email to technical support at support@sierrawireless.com for further assistance.
Hi @mafolk,
I cannot reproduce that issue on my module. Therefore, in that case, you should send an email to technical support at support@sierrawireless.com for further assistance.