Normally, I’ve got an HL7800 module on my Development Kit (It’s not me who have made the command.)
When I read what is engraved on the module, I see HL7800.
But with the last HL7800 firmware 4.6.8 and the 4.5.4 too , I’ve an response at the command ‘AT+KSRAT=?’ like if I’ve a HL7800-M module:
I tried to check KSRAT on HL7800 and HL7800-M with FW and without any issue. KSRAT_Checking.txt (1.9 KB)
Your HL device can install FW HL7800 and HL7800 was shown by ATI9 command, Its may be HL7800 device.
From Sierra developer, the LTE NB1 it was disabled on old HL7800 hardware, I think your HL7800 is old hardware.
To clarify, can you provide SKU information of your device?
At the user point, the command to enable this feature isn’t defined on the “HL78xx - AT Commands Interface Guide” document so, it cannot be activated by the AT command.