Hi All,
I am looking to update firmware on my HL7650 module using AT commands, but I don’t know where to start.
During my research, I found an document “AirPrime HL7 Series Firmware Download User Guide” being referenced in “Firmware 26.00.A01 Customer Release Note” (https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/release_notes/airprime_hl7650_firmware_26_00_a01_customer_release_note/#sthash.Dz5o0F2b.dpbs)
However, I couldn’t find the actual pdf anywhere on sierra website, so I suspect it might be deleted? Does anyone has a copy of this document on their local machine?
If not, any documents or instructions regarding this issue will be much appreciated, cause I am only start working with HL7650 for the last few days.
Thank you in advance.