[Hilo] How is the host signaled when Hilo3G modules wake up from sleep?
Answer: During sleep (STANDBY MODE, Current < 1.7 mA):
When incoming a data/voice call:
- Then RI signal will be changed to low level (RI=1, active) if you’ve already set <AT+KRIC=3,1>
- You’ll get URC of “RING” from UART or USB
- Module will be waked up, you can see CTS be changed to low level (CTS=1, active)
When incoming an SMS:
- There’s a second pulse on RI signal If you’ve already set <AT+KRIC=3,1>
- You’ll get URC like <+CMTI: “ME”,5> if you’ve already set <AT+CNMI=2,2,2,1,0>
- Module will be waked up, you can see CTS be changed to low level (CTS=1, active)