You can use <AT*PSCPOF> to make a power off.
You can use <AT+CFUN=1,1> to make a software reset.
When the POK_IN jumper is connected to the GND, <ATPSCPOF> will power off module, then module will be powered up again.
When the POK_IN jumper is not connected to the GND, <ATPSCPOF> will power off module, but it can be powered up again by alarm <AT+CALA>.
For <AT+CFUN=1,1>, whatever POK_IN connected or not, it will just make a software reset on Hilo.
We strongly recommend to use <AT*PSCPOF> shut down module instead of reset by <AT+CFUN=1,1>. Because <AT+CFUN=1,1>. have also an impact on the FLASH lifetime like a Hardware reset.