GPRS connections failed via USB

I’m using the Wavecom XTEND.
1 . Modem works fine via UART, but speed limits by bandwidth of serial port (115200). So internet connection speed is about 10 KB/s.
2. For higher speeds of connection I have tried to use USB port
3. I activated USB port via UART by command at+wmfm=0,1,3
4. I installed driver.
5. Wavecom modem appeared in my OS.
6. I have created usual dial-up connection using this wavecom modem. Dialing number was 99**1#.
7.I was connected to the modem via terminal and have set an APN by command at+cgdcont=1,“IP”,“internet”. This is APN of my cellular operator.
8. But it was not possible to connect to the Internet . There was an error 692.

Where is log-file of connection attempt:

12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\tapisrv.dll, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdm.tsp, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdmat.dll, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\uniplat.dll, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\modem.sys, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\modemui.dll, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mdminst.dll, Версия 5.1.2600   
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Modem type: WAVECOM Wireless cpu
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - INF-File of modem: oem30.inf
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Section of modems INF-File: WcSerUsb
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Hardware code (ID): usb\vid_114f&pid_1234
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - Opening Modem
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:48:51.906 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:51.984 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:51.984 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.000 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.000 - TSP(0000): Calling...
12-16-2009 14:48:52.093 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.093 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.109 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Awaiting answer.
12-16-2009 14:48:52.140 - Sended: ATS0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:48:52.171 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.187 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.187 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.203 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.359 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.359 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.375 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Dialing.
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Finishing async operation (0x000101f0) of  telephone servicve provider (TSP). Condition 0x00000000
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DIALING
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING
12-16-2009 14:48:52.406 - Sended: ATDT*99***1#<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Received: <cr><lf>CONNECT 115200<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Received: ~<ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Received: <cr><lf>NO CARRIER<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Interpreted answer: No carrier frequency
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Breakig modem connection.
12-16-2009 14:49:22.343 - Sended: ATH<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:49:22.375 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.390 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.390 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.406 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.609 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.609 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.625 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Awaiting answer.
12-16-2009 14:49:22.656 - Sended: ATS0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED(0x40)
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_IDLE
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - TSP(0000): Finishing call
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Finishing async operation (0x00010223)  of  telephone service provider (TSP). Condition 0x00000000
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - TSP(0000): Closing call
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Statistic:
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 -                Read: 24 байт
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 -                Write: 70 байт

As we can see, modem correctly answered “CONNECT”, but modem driver said “Unkown answer”.

Can you help me to make high speed 3G internet connection via USB ?

PS: Sorry for bad english


This looks like PPP to me - which is what you would expect when dialing a GPRS/3G (ATDT*99#) style connection.

You have to configure your PC to change into PPP/IP mode when the modem recieves a CONNECT message. In Windows XP, do this by running the New Connection Wizard and choosing Set up my connection manually when prompted. In Linux, you’ll need to mess around with chat and pppd.

If you want to have the modem deal with the TCP connection so you can upload files using AT commands, you can download the WIPSoft application to your modem.

See viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3766&start=0#p15722 for some further info.

ciao, Dave

I know, that this is PPP initialization.

In point 6 of my previous message I said, that “New Connection” (dial-up) I made. But when I start this connection, it fails. This log shows, that wavecom modem driver didn’t catch message “CONNECT 115200” and didn’t start PPP.

For example, dial-up connection via “Standart 33600 modem” driver using UART of Fastrack XTEND works properly:

12-16-2009 15:39:29.687 - Dialing.
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Sended: ATDT*99***1#<cr>
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Received: <cr>
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Answer: Informational
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Received: <lf>
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Answer: Informational
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Received: CONNECT 115200
12-16-2009 15:39:29.703 - Answer: Connect
12-16-2009 15:39:29.718 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
12-16-2009 15:39:29.718 - Connection established - 115200 бит/с.
12-16-2009 15:39:59.718 - Reading: total: 44176, per sec: 1469, Writing: total: 4963, per sec: 165


My apologies - I mis-read your message. :blush:

I’ll give things a test with my Fastrack Supreme later today and let you know how I get on.

ciao, Dave

I already finded error in wavecom USB driver for Fastrack XTEND.

Port speed is 115200 by default (at+ipr? -> 115200). So modem is answering “CONNECT 115200” every time, when connecting to GPRS. But where is no such answer in the list of known answers in inf-file of USB-driver.

Where are only eight known answers in modem driver (inf-file):

HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT VOICE<cr><lf>", 1,03,00,00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT<cr><lf>", 1, 02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300<cr><lf>",   1, 02, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00

I have solved a problem as follows.
I have wrote additional initialization command “at+ipr=9600” in the properties of “WAVECOM Wireless cpu” (item “Telephone and modem” of the “Control panel”). There is no difference in value of this parameter if you are connected to the modem through USB-port.

Now modem says “CONNECT 9600”, driver detects this as correct and starts PPP-initialization.

Internet works fine.