I’m using the Wavecom XTEND.
1 . Modem works fine via UART, but speed limits by bandwidth of serial port (115200). So internet connection speed is about 10 KB/s.
2. For higher speeds of connection I have tried to use USB port
3. I activated USB port via UART by command at+wmfm=0,1,3
4. I installed driver.
5. Wavecom modem appeared in my OS.
6. I have created usual dial-up connection using this wavecom modem. Dialing number was 99**1#.
7.I was connected to the modem via terminal and have set an APN by command at+cgdcont=1,“IP”,“internet”. This is APN of my cellular operator.
8. But it was not possible to connect to the Internet . There was an error 692.
Where is log-file of connection attempt:
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\tapisrv.dll, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdm.tsp, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdmat.dll, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.843 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\uniplat.dll, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\modem.sys, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\modemui.dll, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mdminst.dll, Версия 5.1.2600
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Modem type: WAVECOM Wireless cpu
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - INF-File of modem: oem30.inf
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Section of modems INF-File: WcSerUsb
12-16-2009 14:48:51.859 - Hardware code (ID): usb\vid_114f&pid_1234
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - Opening Modem
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:48:51.890 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:48:51.906 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:51.984 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:51.984 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.000 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.000 - TSP(0000): Calling...
12-16-2009 14:48:52.093 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.093 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.109 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.125 - Awaiting answer.
12-16-2009 14:48:52.140 - Sended: ATS0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:48:52.156 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:48:52.171 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.187 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.187 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.203 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.359 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.359 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.375 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Dialing.
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - Finishing async operation (0x000101f0) of telephone servicve provider (TSP). Condition 0x00000000
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DIALING
12-16-2009 14:48:52.390 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING
12-16-2009 14:48:52.406 - Sended: ATDT*99***1#<cr>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Received: <cr><lf>CONNECT 115200<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Received: ~<ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:52.453 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:55.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:48:58.437 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:01.421 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:04.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:07.406 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:10.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:13.390 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:16.375 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Received: ~
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Received: <ff>}#<c0>!}!}!} }<}!}$}%<dc>}"}&} } } } }%}&<fd>yr<94>}'}"}(}"}#}$<c0>#}+<dc>~
12-16-2009 14:49:19.359 - Unkown answer
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Received: <cr><lf>NO CARRIER<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Interpreted answer: No carrier frequency
12-16-2009 14:49:22.328 - Breakig modem connection.
12-16-2009 14:49:22.343 - Sended: ATH<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=0, rtsctl=1
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - Modem initialization .
12-16-2009 14:49:22.359 - DSR is low during modem initialization
12-16-2009 14:49:22.375 - Sended: AT<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.390 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.390 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.406 - Sended: AT&FE0V1&D2&C1S0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.609 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.609 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.625 - Sended: AT&K0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.640 - Awaiting answer.
12-16-2009 14:49:22.656 - Sended: ATS0=0<cr>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - Received: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - Interpreted answer: ОК
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED(0x40)
12-16-2009 14:49:22.671 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_IDLE
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - TSP(0000): Finishing call
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Finishing async operation (0x00010223) of telephone service provider (TSP). Condition 0x00000000
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - TSP(0000): Closing call
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Statistic:
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Read: 24 байт
12-16-2009 14:49:22.687 - Write: 70 байт
As we can see, modem correctly answered “CONNECT”, but modem driver said “Unkown answer”.
Can you help me to make high speed 3G internet connection via USB ?
PS: Sorry for bad english