I was planning to use the “n_reset” line (gpio 6) of the IoT internal connector to de-activate the IoT card during the initial manipulation of the IoT gpios. But, when I manually manipulate the level of the gpio6 I loose the control of the IO3-OUT line.
activates the IO3-OUT
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio56/value
Here the IO3-OUT is clamped to the ground.
Take the control of the “n_reset” line
echo 6 > /sys/class/gpio/export
Here the IO3-OUT disconnects… (as well as the USER LED, maybe others as well…)
Doing “unexport” on the gpio 6 does not re-establish the control of the IO3-OUT.
From there the IO3-OUT control is lost till next reboot.
I am planning to build my own IoT card. I would really need to control the “n_reset” line to avoid transient states on the lines controlled by the IoT gpios.
Can you confirm this strange behaviour and tell me it there is a way around it, or if I should stop thinking about controlling the “n_reset” line?
Best regards, Christian.