Using the expansion connector I see that the GPIO3 (GPIO13 on Linux) goes to low level during about 10 sec after the power up of the Fx30. Then we have a pulse of the n_RESET line and its value moves to high level.
All other expansion connector GPIO (1, 2 and 4) stay always on the high level.
I observed this behaviour on several Fx30 and Fx30s.
Because I’m working on a system which cannot tolerate transient state during the Fx30 power-up. I’m planning to use GPIO1 and 2 only, setting the ACTIVE level of my system to the low level of the GPIO. This way, my system will be in INACTIVE state during the Fx30 power-up… and as long as my control software is not started.
Can-I assume that this low level state during power-up only affects GPIO3, so by working with GPIO1 and 2 I will not have the problem?
Thanks, Christian.