fwupdateDaemon error in wp76xx

Jan 6 00:04:23 | fwupdateDaemon[682]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 123 | qmi_client_get_service_list time limit exceeded
Jan 6 00:04:23 | fwupdateDaemon[682]/le_pa_fwupdate T=main | pa_fwupdate_qmi.c InitQmiServices() 1450 | Could not initialize QMI Device Management Service.
Jan 6 00:04:23 | fwupdateDaemon[682] | | Failed to initialize QMI Service.
Jan 6 00:04:23 | fwupdateDaemon[682]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c swiQmi_CheckResponse() 813 | Sending QMI_SWI_M2M_FDT_OPEN_REQ_V01 failed: rc=-19 (x), resp.result=0.[0x00], resp.error=0.[0x00]
Jan 6 00:04:23 | fwupdateDaemon[682]/le_pa_fwupdate T=main | pa_fwupdate_qmi.c pa_fwupdate_Download() 1053 | Failed to open swi-fota
Jan 6 00:04:23 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0
Jan 6 00:04:24 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0
Jan 6 00:04:24 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0
Jan 6 00:04:25 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0
Jan 6 00:04:25 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0
Jan 6 00:04:26 | modemDaemon[684]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c StartService() 113 | qmi_client_get_service_list rc=-2, numServices=0

I can not able download any .cwe, .spk and .update file on wp76xx module.
what is issue?
connection is happen like continue alternate connected or disconnected.

Hi @hardikaghara1012,
What have you done? Can you provide the steps in detail you did? Which firmware are you using?

legato version 18.03.00
but i try to execution this commend fwupdate query.
Connecting to service …

and I also try to download .system and .cwe file on module but it’s not happen.

Have you checked the Legato forum (https://forum.legato.io) for help on this topic? You can open a topic there and post the list of steps that you are following.