FW downgrade for MC7304 to 4th gen

Hello to all, I am new here and straight with the question
We have a MC7304 with SWI9X15C_05.05.16.02 firmware on it.
The common datasheet for MC73XX says, that the VoLTE support is coming soon (6th gen FW), in russian IXBT forum there is a hint, that the 4th gen of firmware supports voice too.

Can I downgrade to a firmware from the 4th gen and where can find the required files?

Thanks in advance,


If you need voice support you must order a version of MC7304 that has voice support. If you do I guess it it will be delivered with FW v4 and in the future FW v6.

FW v5 is for data only devices. It should not be possible to downgrade/upgrade to a FW with voice support.