Flash Object max size

I really think there needs to be seperate discussion group for flash objects…

I’m attempting to write a 40K flash object. adl_flhWrite() returns success. Then when I attempt to read the object back I get OK (object doesn’t exist). Does anyone know if there is a maximum size for individual flash objects?

I don’t know if this matters but I have my flash object area resized to 1700KB and 7000 objects. I know my code works before I have loads of 1-2K buffers written to flash objects without issue. It is just the 40K objects that I’m having problems with.

I hate asking questions like this because I"m always worried that I missed something in the manual and I’ll get an RTFM response but in this case, I can’t find jack on the subject… And yes, I can break it up into smaller chunks but that isn’t the point of this question…

Yes, I’m afraid you did:

ADL User Guide for Open AT® OS v6.21
Revision: 007
Date: February 2009
Reference: WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_080

However, the fact that you exceeded the limit and yet got an ‘OK’ return result must surely be a bug in adl_flhWrite?! :open_mouth:

Surely, it should at least return ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM ?!

And it would be far better if there were a specific result code to indicate, “requested length too big”.

Yup, there it is… Thanks.

I’m not supprised by the success value being returned. It has been confirmed by my local FAE that the write function also returns success when your flash object are is completely full. Yup, thats right, if there is no where to put the data you just wrote the write function throws away your data and returns SUCCESS!!! :blush:

So what’s the point of the ADL_FLH_RET_ERR_MEM_FULL return value, then?! :confused:

Have these been recognised by Wavecom as BUGS :?:

I hear it will be fixed in a future release but I havn’t heard whether it will be in the immediate next release or the release after.

It would also be useful to know what versions are affected by these bugs.