I am using Sierra wireless SL8082BTA Device. I am trying opening USB and UART3 but i am getting failed.
sOpUsbSettings_t settings;
psGItfCont_t itf;
adl_atCmdPreParser_t * paras;
static const ascii* ufll [ ] = { “UFLCDC”, NULL };
/* – code of the current state – /
settings.identity = “UDEV0”; / Means USB 2.0 FS (the only supported one) /
settings.ad_if_id_list = ( ascii* ) ufll; /* NULL = If No firmware class required / Just the User AUDIO class */
// settings.event_handlers = ( psOpUsbIocEventH_t ) &usb_event_config;
settings.interface = &itf;
settings.p_device_hs = NULL;
handle = adl_OpenDevice ( DF_USB_CLID, &settings ); //Returning -1 value
/* Fill up UART3 Settings*/
Settings.capabilities = NULL;
Settings.identity = UartName[UA_ZERO];
Settings.role = UART_ROLE_NM;
/* Events */
events.user_data = (void*)0;
events.valid_cb = UART_CB_ON_ALL;
// memcpy((u8*)events.cb_list, (u8*)uart1CbTab, 6*sizeof(sGCbDesc_t));
Settings.event_handlers = &events;
/* To retrieve the UART SP Interface */
Settings.interface = &pinterface3;
/* Line Coding */
lc.valid_fields = UART_LC_ALL;
lc.rate = (eUartRate_t)(UART_RATE_115200 | UartSpeed );
lc.stop = UART_STOP_BIT_1;
lc.parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
lc.data = UART_DATALENGTH_8;
Settings.line_coding = &lc;
/* open UART3 device*/
if( ( Uart3Handle = adl_OpenDevice ( DF_UART_CLID, &Settings ) ) > OK ) // returning -1 value
Please give to me some suggestions it would be really help to me. Thanks