Event "WIP_CEV_WRITE " in "wip_list" handler function

Hi I am using the API “wip_list” for reading the file lists from FTP server.But I am getting the event "WIP_CEV_WRITE " in “wip_list” event handler,but I am expecting “WIP_CEV_READ” event so that I can read the file list.Please tell me what could be the error I am attaching the part of code along with this post.

void Search_Config_File_In_FTP(void)
	g_stWip_list_Channel = wip_list( g_stFTP_Channel, NULL, (wip_eventHandler_f)&List_Event_Handler, NULL);
	if(ZERO == g_stWip_list_Channel) 
		TRACE((1,"List channel creation Failure... "));	
		g_slnTempReturnValue = FAILURE_FTP_LIST_CHAN_CREATE;
		g_etFTP_Process_State = CLOSE_FTP_CHANNEL;
	TRACE((1,"g_stWip_list_Channel : %d",g_stWip_list_Channel));
