Wip_list usage

Hi Everyone,

I am tryin to use wip_list to get filenames from a directory on a ftp server (Open at 3.12). I can get it to list some filenames but it either doesnt read all the filenames of the files in the directory or i never recieve the WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE response.

			while(wip_read(ev->channel, fi, 2 * sizeof(wip_fileInfo_t)) != 0)
				adl_fcmSendData(hFCM, fi->name, wm_strlen(fi->name));
				//adl_fcmSendData(hFCM, "\n\rWIP_CEV_READ\n\r", 14);

Can anyone provide me with any help on how to use the wip_list function with FTP?

You should have examples of what you are requesting in OpenAT installation directory.