Establishing PPP connection over GPRS using AT commands on HL7588

I’m trying to establish an PPP connection using AT commands on a HL7588 module on a Mangoh Red devkit. I live in Brazil and I’m using a TIM Group SIM chip. I send the following AT commands via UART:



When I send AT+CGPADDR=1, I receive a range IP address (I believe this is an internal IPv4 address).

Then I send an ATD*99#. The module responds with CONNECT, then sends repeated LCP frames but I get no response, then I get a NO CARRIER response.

I was, however, able to successfully establish an PPP connection using the USB port on Windows with the Windows Dial-Up tool.

Am I missing additional AT commands to establish a PPP link?

Thanks in advance.

Did you use the latest firmware?
How about using wvdial to ppp dial up in linux?

There is no need to use AT+CGACT if you later use ATD*99# anyway.

In case you need the information from AT+CGPADDR (or AT+CGCONTRDP) after AT+CGACT for some reason you would have to use AT+CGDATA="PPP",1 instead of ATD*99#.
