ES450 - SNMP No Traffic Reported


Can anyone help shine some light on the below issue or point me in the right direction. This has me stumped.

I have multiple ES450 Gatways in the field.
Using SNMP to monitor traffic on the wan interface works fine for a period of time (a few days to a week) then it stops reporting out bound traffic, followed by all traffic.
A reboot of the router resolves the issue.
This issue is happening on 3 of 8 units out in the field.

Recreating the sensor within the monitoring software ( PRTG ) does not resolve the issue.

A check of the log of the routers having this issue shows the following messages repeated every few seconds.
Oct 11 17:30:54 err ALEOS_WAN_RadioTask: AL_GetModemTemperature Return Code:57348
Oct 11 17:30:56 err ALEOS_WAN_RadioTask: AL_SQLGetSignalInfo Return Code:57348
Oct 11 17:30:58 err ALEOS_WAN_RadioTask: AL_GetModemTemperature Return Code:57348
Oct 11 17:31:00 err ALEOS_WAN_RadioTask: AL_SQLGetSignalInfo Return Code:57348

A check of the log of the routers correctly reporting traffic do not have these error messages in the log.

All routers are the same model and have the same firmware.

Mode: ES450
Radio ModuleType: MC7304
Radio Firmware: SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwnbuild1 2015/03/04 21:30:23
ALEOS Software Version 4.4.1
ALEOS Build Number: 14

Any help resolving the issue is greatly appreciated.

The latest firmware is 4.4.2. Although there is nothing in the release notes regarding SNMP fixes, I would upgrade at least one modem to this release and recheck.
Probably need to go through your reseller to open a case with Sierra to resolve this.