Error when i receive '0x00' data in UDP/TCP protocol (Development Kit BX310X)

I am using a BX310X development kit in order to send and receive some data. I can send all sort of bytes (‘0x00’ to ‘0xFF’) in both protocols, but i am having trouble when i receive ‘0x00’ data, it seems that all data after ‘0x00’ are been ignored(i am receiving 152 bytes per message). The following images show this:


I am configuring the net using the following AT commands:

  • AT+SRWCFG=2,2
  • AT+SRWAPCFG="Sierra","Sierra@123",3,0,0,100

To TCP protocol i have used:

  • AT+KTCPCFG=,0,,6666

To UDP protocol i have used:

  • AT+KUDPCFG=0,0,6666,0
  • AT+KUDPCFG=0,1,6666,0

Does someone know how to overcome this problem?