EM9191 USB Not working on Windows

Hi I cannot get my Airprime EM9191 to work on Windows. Where can I download the correct drivers? Any advice?

you can see here:

Thanks Jyijyi,
I did download and try this driver but it does not work. Any ideas why?

what did you see in device manager?
How about in Linux?

You can also see here:

I don’t see anything new under Network Adapters or Modems which is strange. Seems to not realize the card is there

you can check PCIE_DIS pin and also you can check in linux

Unfortunately I don’t have a Linux rig on hand. It is strange because the 9191 is not showing up at all when I plug it in. I just tested with a separate card from Quectel and it worked fine.

How do I check the PCIE_DIS pin?

you can use multimeter to measure the pin