EM7421 on RedHat

Hello to all,
I’m not a linux expert, but I got this Compulab Fitlet3 that ships with a EM7421 Sierra Wireless module.

For some specific request I have to use RHEL 8 operating system instead of the shipped Linux Mint.

Using nmcli I see the module is recognized, but it gives a “plugin missing” warning.

wwp0s20f0u10i8: unmanaged
        "Sierra Wireless Sierra EM7421 Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X16 LTE-A"
        wwan (qmi_wwan), 36:B9:3C:8D:E5:2B, plugin missing, hw, mtu 1500

Do I have to install some specific driver?
How can I do it?
It is a CLI only installation.

Thank you all

yes, i think you need to install the MBPL USB driver MBPL_DRIVERS_R35_ENG4-usb-src.tar:

Thank you for your reply.
The lsusb -t command output is as following:

/:  Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M
/:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/10p, 480M
    |__ Port 10: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qcserial, 480M
    |__ Port 10: Dev 2, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qcserial, 480M
    |__ Port 10: Dev 2, If 3, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qcserial, 480M
    |__ Port 10: Dev 2, If 8, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qmi_wwan, 480M

So may I assume the driver is ok.

So now… how can I set the APN and set it on DHCP?

you can use minicom to open the /dev/ttyUSB2 port which is the AT command port.
To check the APN, you can type AT+CGDCONT?

You can also see the document here

Ok, I solved the problem by installing NetworkManager-wwan
After a reboot the connection went up immediatly.

In order to setup the correct apn the command was:
sudo nmcli con mod gsm apn <apn>