Did you also wait for +CGREG: 1 or +CGREG: 5? These are similar to the +CREG indications but used for GPRS. That means that you are registered on the network… When you do the ed_DialupConnectionStart() then, it should work without a problem…
Also, I don’t think ed_DialupSetConfig() is the right setup function for GPRS - you should use ed_GPRSSetConfig() instead.
Hi, the steps you described work for me every time. You should wait for “OK” response from at+cgatt=1 before calling ed_DialupSetConfig(). Besides that, it should work…
If you are using GPRS I am curious: you don’t actually wait for the modem to be registered on the GPRS network (+CGREG…) and it does work to setup a connection? (It still could be that your network is so good that it registers very quickly…)
I think setting up the GPRS session should fail when you are not registered - just as setting up a call will fail when the modem is not (yet) registered in the GSM network (+CREG: 1 or 5).
Hi Malek,
I have had the same problem. I call “at+cgatt=1” using adl_atCmdCreate()
and then wait for the command to complete by waiting for the ADL_GPRS_EVENT_ME_ATTACH event (in a handler subscribed from adl_gprsSubscribe()). I then call ip_Connect() and get a -14 error.
Of course this works fine if I manually enter the “at+cgatt=1” command and then manually enter the “at+ipconnect=1,1” command.
I have found that if I have a 10s delay after receiving the ADL_GPRS_EVENT_ME_ATTACH event then the ip_Connect() works fine.
at the beginning of the program, then you do other initialization including AT+CGATT=1 and your handler will be called with all +CGREG unsolicited messages.
you can start the gprs connection. You might also want to handle the cases ‘0’ and/or ‘2’…
Also, you should consider that your handler will also be called when the currently used cell changes. So you should make sure that if you already have an active connection, that you do not start the session again…
An other command that I found very helpful is AT+WGPRS=0,0. If you use this and reset the modem, it will automatically attach to the GPRS network after each reset, so you do not need to use the AT+CGATT=1 command at all. Very nice if you don’t mind to be attached at all times (if network coverage is there).
I´m opening a GPRS connection. Sice waiting for “OK” from at+cgatt=1 command worked for me every time i never worried about it. My guess was that registring on the network was encapsulated in the ed_GprsSetConfig() or ed_DialupConnectionStart() funtions. Here are the steps I follow to activate a GPRS connection:
2)wait for OK
of course, since there is a delay between each of theese steps, there may be enough time for the modem to register on the net.
I think you may have figured it out already… Anyway, here is the answer: Your handler function is called with “OK” - so you would put code that should be executed after the OK into the handler function…