True, the installer won’t run on a 64bits VM, and checks that the VM version is correct for DS.
Anyhow, with 2.37 Full Installer, did you make sure you’ve clicked the correct option to install DS 2.1.1 instead of 2.2.0? Indeed, the default behavior is to install latest online DS release (today: 2.2.0).
And from what I’m reading in the log, start fails because it’s looking for components of DS 2.2.0:
The option I’m talking about is the “Install” group on top of software selection tree: “Latest software versions” or “This package”
By selecting the “This package” option, it will install 2.1.1
By the way, just made a test to install 2.2.0 with this full installer (something similar to your use case), and DS is starting correctly.
Maybe should you make a new try…
After some investigation, we found the issue.
Actually, when a former full installer (containing a former DS release) is used to install the latest online DS release, the installation will success, but DS won’t be able to launch.
We’ll fix the bug in the next installer engine version.
Meanwhile, the workaround is:
If you want to install a former SDK release, please always select “This package” option of the “Install” group
If you want to install latest software version, please use either the light installer, or install a former release (cf. first point) and then upgrade DS when the software update popup rises up.