i am controlling a LCD peripheral from wavecom module.
i am using I2C bus for that,
In program, the I2C bus is subscribed properly and returning an handle.
but i am unable to receive the data from Q24classic module to LCD module.
after analysing deeply, i came to know that the clock and data are not transferred properly.
also i am not too experienced with this wavecom module’s bus operation.
i am unable to receive proper idea from sample programming; can you provide me a small working program for bus operation.
the problem is no recption of clock and data from q24classic module to LCD display; also i don’t know how to work exactly on q24Classic for bus subscription; so try to provide a small samples program for bus subscription using spi or lcd for Q24classic module…
the problem is not with the module, since the module is producing slight variation in clock signal line.
for example for transfer of 8 bits, it is producing falling edge at SCLK line only once; but the chip select is proper.
I can say that the problem is with the software what i have used; so i need some model code exploiting all the parameters in SPI write and read.