Change IMEI - WMOi3A-G0918


I need to change IMEI in my WMOi3A-G0918, i have 3 pcs. of them and in every one i can’t register to network when I’m sending AT+CREG? respond is : +CREG: 0,0 but when I’m sending AT+COPS? respond is ok and i see name of my operator.

I have updated firmware to newest that is on the page (X421.dwl).

Maybe some one can send me some .dwl file that i can download and change my IMEI or maybe there is some program to do that.

I’m living in Poland and i don’t have any distributors that i can go to do that.

Please help



Look it up in the AT Commands manual - including the restrictions on its use.

I have tried that but this don’t work.

Thanks for help

X421 version does not support changing IMEI by AT command.