Calling my oun AT command from my application

Hi, All!

I created my oun at command with


Can i call this AT command from my application using




Hi amat79,

no, you can’t!

Why don’t you just call the function behind it? It’s in your code!!

Best Regards,

Hi, Jan!

I want to recive sms with different at-commands and execute them on my module. If sms contains standart at-commands everything works. If it contains my oun at-commands nothing happens. So, i must parce sms text, find my at-commands and call command handler.


Hmmm. I understand… It’s indeed not that easy in your case. But I am pretty sure that this problem was already discussed on this forum quite a while ago, and that the result was that it does not work to call the self-defined commands with adl_atCmdCreate()… (sorry…)

Best Regards,

Yep, I had also been troubled with implementing such (AT command over SMS) feature

I used quite a lot effort to write codes to “digest” SMS string to build the “adl_atCmdPreParser_t” strcut for my command handlers, still not able to remake completely the same…