Building and Downloading Application


In order to download an application it is always necessary to make: right clik–> Run as --> OPEN AT Target Application ?

I mean, if I have several Modems and i want to download the same application on those modems, the only way to do that for each modem is to pass through Developer Studio ?

No. There are various ways to just download; eg,

  • In the Project Explorer, right-click the DWL and choose ‘Download’
  • In the Target Management Prespective, there is a ‘Download’ button
  • etc

Note that you can download to multiple devices simultaneously

No. You can also use DWLWin and/or AT+WDWL

You could even implement your own downloader that uses AT+WDWL and XMODEM…


I have a Fastrack Xtend FXT001 WM24626 modem with FW_SRC_743_6.Q2686G 0126016CAE5DC7FF firmware and I’m new to the OpenAT world. I tried to download the sample Hellow world application (gcc_Hello_World.wpb.dwl) in to the modem using AT+wdwl and 1k-Xmodem. Then the hypeterminal gives the “Transfer cancelled by the remote system” message. And this text displayed in the teminal

+WDWL: 0

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I use hardware flow control. I can’t imagine the situation, whether my modem supports this or not or any other situation. I tried with 115200 bps and 9600 bps and Xmodem also, but situation is the same. Please help me in this…