BC127-DEVKIT001 SEND doesn't work

I made serial port communication program using WinAPI.

And I use WriteFile() and the message in file is “SEND 19 text”

but, I couldn’t receive notification on Mellody app for BlueCreation BC127.
With Hyperterminal, I could bi-communicate with this app.

baudRate is 9600, and byteSize 8.

Is there anyone who knows about this problem?


You kind of need to give a bit more information about the steps you have taken to this point with the 19 being the link id of the BLE or SPP channel you want to send the data over.



I received this message “IAP_OPEN_SESSION 19”. 19 is link id as I think. Using hyperterminal or putty program, it works well. Only using program I make doesn’t work.
One more thing, after I use SPP program like putty, it is possible to communicate with my program! It seems like that other program wake my program up! I think it is really weired.
Thank you for your replying.