Attempting to read input voltage off RV55 device

We’ve got a batch of panels in the field with rv55 routers in them. The controllers we’re using can’t monitor their own input voltage, but the cell router in the panels can. Would it be possible to have a device read the Input Voltage. Ideally we’d have the PLC in the panel read it then ad it to its own list of registers our remote device is using.

Connection between the PLC and the router is done over ethernet port 1. It might be easier if it can do Modbus TCP, but it’s not required. Just need the data somewhere it can be retrieved.

Hi @michael.e,

Welcome to our community!

Please refer to Section 14: I/O Configuration on page 380 of the AirLink RV55 Series Software Configuration Guide at the following link to see if it is helpful for you:
