AT+WMSN Error on Em7455

Hi Everyone,
I’ve got an Airprime module EM7455 with the parameters you can see in the pictures
Trying to retrieve the Serial number to connect it to AirVantage and getting “Error” when typing AT+WMSN, same thing happens with “AT+KGSN=3”

Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 15.23.33

How about using ati3?

Screenshot 2020-03-29 at 13.52.56

Quite curiously the output is the same for : ATI, ATI1, ATI2, ATI3, ATI4, ATI5, ATI6, ATI7, ATI8, ATI9, ATI10 and then ATI11 outputs error.

Could it be a firmware mismatch ?

I think the FSN is the serial number.

Yes it works !

Awesome !
Thank you