Hi, I like to find out what the various response fields mean when I issue a AT+CREG? command to a EM7455 module.
Before issuing a AT!SCACT=1,1 command to start a data connection, the response to a AT+CREG? command is:
+CREG: 0, 1
After issuing a AT!SCACT=1,1, followed by dhcpd, the response to a AT+CREG? command is:
+CREG: 2,1,“FFFE”,“8684797”,7
And with active data connection going, if I issue AT+CREG=0, AT+CREG=1, AT+CREG=2 commands, I see sporadic responses that look like:
+CREG: 1,“FFFE”,“872C308”, 7
What do the various response fields mean?
I am using a AT&T card in USA.
Thanks a lot!!