I got the Modbus error again, but on another FX30S gateway. Firmware 3.5.2.
Now I have log during the error action.
The Modbus settings are the same as I described in the first post. There are 7 Modbus servers configured with addresses from 1 to 6 and with address 128. But physically, at the moment only one Modbus device (“cc2” with address 4) is connected to the FX30S gateway. The gateway I have just configured so that it asynchronously polls via Modbus only the connected device “cc2” at address 4 every 5 seconds. A synchronous request should not be made (before this, the gateway was configured to asynchronously poll all devices with addresses from 2 to 6). This can be seen from the screenshot, where in the field “send” for the device “cc2” the last request was 1 minute ago, and for the device “cc3” 18 hours ago. Also, the screenshot shows that the “cc2” device responded without errors, but the response came not from an asynchronous request, but from a synchronous one. But there shouldn’t be a synchronous request. It can also be seen that there was no asynchronous request to the “cc3” device for 18 hours, but there was a synchronous request and a response was received, indicating that there is no device with this address.
I wrote the log “tldszzz_log_20221207_001.txt” from 15:00 on December 7th. The log shows that Modbus errors occur when polling devices with addresses 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. Address 4 is not in this list, since the device exists and responds. But there is also no address 128, which has not had a single asynchronous request before, as you can see from the screenshot.
Here I lost electricity and the log recording was interrupted.
Perhaps if I make at least one asynchronous request to address 128, then this address will be constantly polled by synchronous requests like the rest? I’ll check now.
It so happened that at that moment I lost electricity again, and after it appeared, it turned out that the gateway had not been visible in the Octave for 2 hours, although the gateway had been on battery backup all this time. But it is possible that due to the fact that the electricity was lost throughout the area, including the towers of the cell operator, this affected the freezing of the gateway.
I rebooted the gateway manually. The Modbus error did not disappear.
Now I will try to do the experiment about which I wrote above. I’ll make one asynchronous request for the “broadcast” device at address 128, and if I’m right, I’ll see the constant synchronous polling of this device begin.
It didn’t work. I tried 3 times. No synchronous requests appeared for address 128, but no response came to the asynchronous request either.
I’ll save the log for today.
Log “tldszzz_log_20221208_002.txt” I wrote from 16:00 December 8.
For some reason, the log recording was interrupted, I tried to write the log again to the file “tldszzz_log_20221208_003.txt”, but the recording was soon interrupted again.
The log shows that Modbus is synchronously polled every second, and I have a setting for asynchronous polling every 5 seconds.
I hope this helps somehow.
tldszzz_log_20221207_001.txt (2.7 MB)
tldszzz_log_20221208_002.txt (1.9 MB)
tldszzz_log_20221208_003.txt (665.1 KB)