Applicative Command failure message

My embedded device sent an MQTT acknowledgement to an AirVantage Applicative Command with a failure message (see data below).
{“uid”:“679e2684bcaf4842b9749189ce87e3d7”,“status”:“KO”, “message”: “CRCFAIL”}]
The acknowledged message was accepted and I can see the message on the AirVantage server as mqtt.command.failure CRC Failure. I know that AirVantage received the message and stored it, but I do not know how to access this message via the Web Services API. I sent an Operation “Get Details” API Call which responded with a lot of information about the command, however, it did not include the failure message (see below). My question is how to I access the value of this failure message using the AirVantage Web Services API?

“items”: [
“total”: 1,
“input”: {
“uids”: [
“entity”: “SYSTEM”,
“type”: “SEND_COMMAND”,
“state”: “FINISHED”,
“company”: “6ac0227e43ad486faf6c4e3e1a2d6df2”,
“uid”: “7dd067fe12594c9bbd139e6ab9282a01”,
“messages”: [],
“details”: {
“requestConnection”: false,
“parameters”: {},
“command”: {
“id”: “modeon”,
“name”: “Manual ON”
“protocol”: null
“createdAt”: 1524678053197,
“startDate”: 1524678053197,
“timeoutDate”: 1525282853197,
“report”: “”,
“category”: “TASK”,
“cancelDate”: null,
“endDate”: 1524678120158,
“operationType”: “SYSTEM_SEND_COMMAND”,
“counters”: [
“state”: “PENDING”,
“count”: 0
“state”: “IN_PROGRESS”,
“count”: 0
“count”: 0
“state”: “CANCELLED”,
“count”: 0
“state”: “FAILURE”,
“count”: 1
“state”: “SUCCESS”,
“count”: 0
“targetCount”: 1,
“target”: “680f597d16b846b0858a594b461cbeda”
“count”: 1,
“size”: 1,
“offset”: 0


you have to use the api /operations/uid which show more detail about your operation. You have the message in the json. See