Always build a file

Please note that since Firmware 7.4 (Open AT Software Suite 2.30), a new ATI9 command allows to know the build timestamp of the Open AT application.
Please advise if it should fulfill your need, or if you still have another requirement which makes you still needing to tag a file for always rebuild.

oeh, can we please have that as an adl_function?

Thanks - I hadn’t noticed that!

As Madouc says, this - and many other things- should be made available via an ADL call!

No, it really needs to be there in the Studio!

OK, logged as new requirement for the future.

The AT Commands document also mentions that it can show a “version” string, a “name” string, and a “company” string - but I can’t see any documentation either there or in the ADL guide on how to populate these?

Correction: the AT Commands doc says, “refer to ADL User Guide”, but the ADL user guide says nothing about ATI9.

Also the “SubComponent” details…?

Name and other fields can be modified in the generated.c file editor (just open generated.c file, and enable the corresponding section).
“Sub-components” are automatically filled by M2M Studio: it lists the project environment which has been used to build the application (i.e. versions of M2M Studio, Open AT OS, Firmware, Plug-ins…)

What if one is not using the auto-generated files?

i just tried this… doesn’t work

Wow. you guy’s must really be looking for an interaction designer??

lock/unlock text fields using a settings-like icon…
oh… wait…what?
when the fields are locked they are not generated in code…
(not obvious…)
but still…
it doesn’t work

Please elaborate… Difficult to fix a bug when its description is just: “it doesn’t work” :wink:
By the way, you can have a look on the real generated.c file content by clicking on the “generated.c” tab in the editor.
To have updates taken into account in ATI9, you have obviously to rebuild your application and redownload it.
And finally, M2M Studio versions older than 1.1.1 had a refresh bug with generated.c (modifications were not taken into account in compilation).

contents of doesn’t work:
changes are present is the “generated.c” tab.
Project is build and downloaded to target.
output of ati9 doesn’t change.
*this all is taking place on 1.1.1 using OS 6.31 FW 7.4a

Ok, I reproduce it.
Actually, generated.c file is written to disk only when the editor is closed :frowning: (you can see it by opening the generated.c file with text editor before and after closing the code generation editor).
Logged for fix in next release.
Thanks for your feedback.

How do you stop the generated.c file from generating? I don’t want it or need it but I can’t figure out how to stop it.


  • does agree
    I can always include the variables in my own project…?

So long as they are properly documented.

Unfortunately, they aren’t - see: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3121&p=16870&hilit=ati9#p16997 :angry:

The file is always generated. In a next release we will add an option to disable its generation.

However, if you don’t use the editor, the only code placed in this file is the list of the sub-components used by the application, which M2M Studio is kind enough to fill for you :wink: .
For other fields, you can of course insert the code in your own project files if you prefer.

and of course the reason it didn’t work is that i don’t use the /src directory as a source folder. :mrgreen:

The MS-DOS copy command can be used to do a “touch”:

But that’s still a hack - this really should be an easily accessible, “just-click”, per-file option

The MS-DOS touch command can be used too :wink: